harem_ent asked me for some SGA, SPN and Torchwood recs. I cheated a bit and mostly directed her to some excellent rec pages I use myself (not restricted to the above fandoms). After compiling the quick and dirty guide for finding quality reading, I thought some of you might find it useful as well. It's not pretty, but it does what it says in the tin...
- I did a rec set for McKay/Beckett over at
stargateficrec for November, it's all in the comm's memories. That community is good for all sorts of stargate recs too - Also check Crossroads thematic fic index where I admin the McKay/Beckett and McKay/Zelenka indexes. There are also other pairing indexes and recs, excellent site for all your slash needs.
rec_room has extensive recs for SGA, mostly McKay/Sheppard, but it's quality stuff
- this is still a relatively new fandom, so haven't read much
entangled_now has written some awesome Ianto/Owen plus some others, definitely check her fic out
- read Concert in Cardiff by
moth2fic, it was written for me and is absolutely fantastic
crack_van had TW recs recently, check their memories
rec50 has a Torchwood reccer atm, her table is here
My favourite rec pages (for the above fandoms and beyond):
That's it people, have fun time reading. And remember to leave feedback to the authors!