Fic Round Up 2013

Jan 19, 2014 13:48

The fact that I’m getting to this whilst it’s still January is a win.

Fics posted in 2013. Includes fics not actually written in 2013, and as usual the Secret Santa 2013 fic though that was technically posted this year. Excludes a lot of stuff written in 2013 but not posted anywhere yet. Whatever, just roll with it.

Fics by Fandom:

A Kiss of Shadows (unmarked_place ‘verse, Gerard/Lindsey, PG-13, 1,031 words) - only on LJ
i know i’m bad news (implied Patrick/Pete, R, 448 words) - on LJ, on AO3
my smile is not a lie (it’s all teeth) (implied Patrick/Pete, R, 389 words) - on LJ, on AO3
Redress (unmarked_place ‘verse, Patrick/Pete, NC-17, 1,820 words) - only on LJ
Storm Rising (implied Gerard/Mikey, PG, 251 words) - on LJ, on AO3

Great British Bake Off
Jammy Dodgers Are Not the Only Fruit (implied Mel/Sue, PG, 379 words) - on LJ, on AO3

Harry Potter
Manifold (Draco/Harry, NC-17, 5,334 words) - on LJ, on AO3
what rough beast, its hour come around at last (crossover with Supernatural, Lucius Malfoy, implied Dean /Sam, R, 3,048 words) - on LJ, on AO3

Hawaii Five-0
A Hard Day’s Night (pre-Danny/Steve, G, 500 words) - on LJ, on AO3
Ready to Rock, Ready to Roll (Danny/Steve, PG-13, 1,565 words) - on LJ, on AO3

is not the past all shadow (Gen, PG, 1,615 words) - on LJ, on AO3
Life's Sweetest Reward (Hathaway/Lewis, PG-13, 10,974 words) - on LJ, on AO3
Prophesy in Part (Lewis & Williams (OMC), PG-13, 1,479 words) - on LJ, on AO3

Masterchef (UK)
and eat it too (co-authored with pushkin666, John Torode/Gregg Wallace, PG-13, 4,808 words) - on LJ, on AO3

between the sentries of the heart (Dean/Sam, PG-13, 600 words) - on LJ, on AO3
ring the bells that still can ring (Gen, PG, 833 words) - on LJ, on AO3
swifter than a weaver's shuttle (Dean & Sam, Gen, PG-13, 1,168 words ) - on LJ, on AO3
the plains of your back remain untravelled (Dean/Sam, R, 1,040 words) - on LJ, on AO3
what rough beast, its hour come around at last (crossover with Harry Potter, Lucius Malfoy, implied Dean /Sam, R, 3,048 words) - on LJ, on AO3

these rocks don't lose their shape (Beyoncé/Lady Gaga, R, 457 words) - on LJ, on AO3

(The) X-Files
AS GODS (The Eves, PG-13, 222 words) - on LJ, on AO3
Summer of ’73 (Fox & Samantha Mulder, PG, 582 words) - on LJ, on AO3

Non-fic things:
Art for I See A Man (Lewis, for smallfandombang) - on LJ, on AO3
FOB icons - only on LJ

Meme questions:

Leitmotifs of the year:
-    Writing in new fandoms (Harry Potter, Great British Bake Off, Masterchef, The X-Files)
-    Writing new kinks (tentacles)
-    Quite a bit of angst and dark fic

My best story this year:
This is a tossup between what rough beast, its hour come around at last and is not the past all shadow. I was really pleased with the concept and execution for both. what rough beast, its hour come around at last was first time writing a crossover and while the idea felt a bit cracky, the end result was anything but. is not the past all shadow was an exercise in slow reveal, perhaps not the most subtle one, but I was pleased with the emotional impact of it nonetheless.

Story most underappreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
Idk really, most of the fics got the expected level of comments and kudos. Some more than they deserved really (see H50 fics). Commenting is down across the board anyway because of fandom move to other platforms like AO3 that doesn’t rely on communication as much as LJ, so there’s that shift from qualitative to quantitative appreciation with focus on kudos and hit counts. Shrugs. If we go by that then Summer of ’73 is the most underappreciated of the lot but really, for something that is a gen pre-series ficlet on an old fandom that’s hardly surprising.

Most fun story to write:
AS GODS because of the freedom of experimental style, Ready to Rock, Ready to Roll because I like writing Danny’s voice, my smile is not a lie (it’s all teeth) and i know i’m bad news because not-human!Patrick gives me delightful shivers

Fluffiest story:
Life’s Sweetest Reward is a total romance with pining and first kisses. Rather self-indulgent that.

Most angsty story:
is not the past all shadow, between the sentries of the heart and swifter than a weaver's shuttle are all pretty damn angsty.

Sexiest story:
Manifold because of tentacle sex? Redress because of spankings. Those were the two with actual sexytimes, although these rocks don't lose their shape gets a special mention, just because.

"Holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story:
Manifold for the tentacles? Jammy Dodgers Are Not the Only Fruit or and eat it too because of the fandoms?

Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters:
what rough beast, its hour come around at last gave me a chance to write Lucius Malfoy and to discover mode dimensions than the ‘vain’ and ‘evil’ he originally had.

Hardest story to write:
is not the past all shadow because I made myself cry.

Biggest Disappointment:
Some things that were in wip status last year remain unchanged.

Biggest Surprise:
How easy the H50 fandom are to please? I think it’s because the fandom is so active at the moment but I continue to be entertained by the number of hits and kudos on the two short Danny/Steve fics I wrote. Also pleasantly surprised that I’ve managed this many fics this year.

Most Unintentionally Telling Story:
A Kiss of Shadows and Redress

Story I haven't yet written, but intend hope to:
Blah blah, there’s lots of writing plans, both fanfic and original but idk when they come to something because of time and energy limitations. And some of the fanfics currently being co-written with pushkin666 will likely change into original ones as they are mostly AU. Not going to list anything specific because tired and also that might jinx things.


hawaii five-0, supernatural, the x-files, harry potter, my graphics, rps, the great british bake off, masterchef, my fanfiction, meme, bandom, lewis

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