Kat Recs All The Vids - Day 3

Jul 20, 2012 18:46

Black Dove (January) - Doctor Who, River. River Song was a January girl. Gorgeous character study vid, portraying River's strength and fragility.

Blue - Hot Fuzz. Ladies and Gents, Nicholas Cage is on the job! Hee, this is such a fun, fast-paced vid that does a perfect job and capturing the film. If you're trying to convince anyone of the awesomeness of Hot Fuzz, this makes an excellent recruiter vid!

Bye Bye Miss American Pie - Supernatural. Epic, both in length (8.5mins!) and scope. This vid maps the whole saga of Winchesters and associated friends and enemies. It has such a 'bigger than life' feel and yet at the same time it is completely immersed in it; the small moments that define the story.

Hawaii Five-0: The Movie - Hawaii Five-0. Dude, I love the 'fake movie trailer' genre of fanvids, and this one is excellent. There is a real sense of momentum and escalating tension. Watch out for damn good matching of those hard beats and clips.

My life would suck without you - Hawaii Five-0, Danny/Steve. Ahhhhhh all the feel goods and happy grins. This is just an uncomplicatedly happy and cheery otp vid. Highly enjoyable!

My Name Is Tristan - X-Men: First Class, Erik. The song choice is first class (pun unintended) and the vid uses it effectively to capture the tragedy and violence of Erik's life and character. Powerful.

This Is Everything - Star Trek all series. This is a tribute, in vidder's words, 'to all the queer Star Trek romances that never were' and it is both hopeful and sad. We've been waiting for the series to boldly go and move on from subtext and minor characters and almost-but-not-reallys but so far it hasn't. Lovely vid, and it makes me both love Trek more and a little less.

Tonight I'm Fucking You - X-Men: First Class, Charles/Erik. Please excuse Erik Lehnsher, he doesn't mean to be rude. It's just that... tonight? He's fucking you. Oh uhm ahaha oh god. This vid, I'm sure, means to be just as rude and suggestive and hot and dirty as it is. And damn but it works well.

Turn To Stone - Multi, scifi. Haunting tribute to science-fiction that focuses on death and loss. Beautifully realised, with a certain coldness to it that fits the subject matter perfectly.

You Told the Drunks I Knew Karate - Doctor Who, Amy/Rory. Rory Williams! Being awesome and brave. The song is brilliant and the vid makes full use of it. This will leave you grinning.

hawaii five-0, doctor who, x-men, star trek, fanvid rec, hot fuzz

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