A mixed bag!

May 12, 2012 20:16

Today I've had a day off academic/work things and have instead been doing various household tasks, including washing dishes, changing the cat litter, putting rubbish and recycling out, sorting out some clothes to take to the charity shop, organising redelivery, going to the laundrette and post office, sorting out a new phone contract and phone... Efficient Kat has been efficient!

I also had to have stern words with Tricks. I left the cats out (and the back door open... yes, I know, but it's pretty secure with several gates to go through) while I went to the laundrette. I came home to find Tricks waiting for me. Outside the front door. akgjakjldfjdafs! Those of you who've visited me know that to manage that he'd had to trek around most of the block to manage that with a busy road right there. I was not happy. Although a little impressed that he'd managed to recognise the right door from the perspective he's rarely seen. Tricks is not the smartest of cats...

Anyway, a couple of other things that needed posting:


Firstly, I've been podficced again!

chinawolf recorded To See Clearly (Lewis, Lewis/Hathaway, dragon!AU) - A lovely, delicate recording that's a pleasure to listen to.

reena_jenkins recorded Sharpest Lives (Bandom, Gerard/Mikey, serial killer!AU) - Oh god, it's like I didn't realise just how twisted and dark the ficlet was until I heard the podfic version, which makes the story come alive in the most seductive, visceral, insidious way possible. Literally gave me shivers.

Go listen and leave the podficcers some feedback!


Secondly, a meme!

Seven questions from redsnake05

1. Tell me about the current state of your hair
Ugh, 'state' is an accurate description. It's back to over shoulder length and in desperate need of a) a proper cut and b) some funky colours. At least the first of those will happen for the July graduation

2. In the medium-term, do you want to stay in academia, or find a job in another branch of your field?
I actually want to stay in academia in the long-term. I tried the 'real world' of corporate setting and while I was good at what I did, I didn't enjoy it. There are public service/government positions or even places in independent research bodies I could pursue but... I'm still an idealist when it comes to academic freedom and its potential to make a difference and transform people.

3. What are your favourite winter dishes from your childhood?
Hmm... Winter meant hearty meals with root vegetables and using up all the berries and vegetables and mushrooms and other things that had been frozen and pickled or made into jam or otherwise stored. I was very fond of my grandma's potato mash and meatballs. And reindeer or beef with lingonberry sauce/jam is yummy. Oh and chanterelle sauce omg *drools a little* Porridges were big typical winter treats, particularly whipped lingonberry porridge. Oh and I also loved köyhät ritarit ('poor knights') which is essentially a Finnish version of French toast. Oh and oven pancake! Om nom nom. Dammit, now I want all of those things...

4. If you had a window garden, would you grow vegetables, flowers or herbs?
Herbs. I currently only have one viable window sill on which to grow things (the other two are regularly taken over by cats). Flowers are pretty but herbs are more useful. And vegetables need a proper garden I feel.

5. What's your favourite way to have tea?
'Normal' (black) tea I have with milk, no sugar. Everything else without any additions. Well, unless it's Twining's organic honeybush and lemon tea, in which case a spoonful of honey and a splash of whisky makes it the best hot tot ever.

6. What's the number one frivolous but wickedly tempting item that you'd like to buy, but can't justify right now?
Ooooh, I don't think I can pick just one... This category mostly has various expensive tailor-made clothing like a long fitted leather coat, corsets, steampunk dresses and boots... And erm, some rather expensive sex toys/bdsm equipment... Other than that it would be experiences rather than things; holidays, musicals, cooking courses...

7. So, a NZ politician, Gerry Brownlee, was a dick about Finland (he's a dick about everything, such an embarrassment). Your response?
Hah, I didn't even know about this until you said and then I obviously had to go google it. And lol lol it's pretty hilarious how uninformed he was. I mean, yeah, it was offensive but it was also just so off the mark for the most part (yeah, the suicide thing was a fair cop, although New Zealand isn't so great with that either) that I mostly just rolled my eyes - I mean the 'hardly educates its people, and has no respect for women' comment was particularly ridiculous. What's also funny is the international smack-down he's receiving. In the most polite and restrained manner of course.

If you want seven questions of your own, just let me know.


Coming up tomorrow night: Kat live blogs Twilight - New Moon, quite possibly with alcolol. \o/

perdie and tricks, dangerously overeducated, i got podficced, podfic rec, real life, meme, twilight, bandom, lewis

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