Fic recs, you're welcome.

Feb 06, 2011 12:10

Yesterday I managed tiny bit of thesis work, finished all of student feedback and had moth2fic and her husband over for tea and chat and removing of water tanks and piping. Respectively.

Today I'm therefore going to drink this giant pot of vanilla coffee I made, listen to love songs on Radio 2, maybe write something, and read all the Hot Fuzz fic in the world (no, really, I saw the movie for the first time yesterday and it was adorable and hilarious).

I also have an insane amount of recs for you guys. I'm not even going to give them all at once, but here are some fics I've enjoyed lately and hope you do too. Organised by fandom.

American Idol

through the storm we reach the shore Kris/Adam (with Kris/Katy, Kris/OMC, Adam/OMC). I loved all the original characters here; Kris' and Adam's other partners are realistic and likeable, and the central relationship develops organically, over time. Long and hugely enjoyable.

here is the deepest secret nobody knows Kris/Adam. Future fic. Adam follows Kris on a tour. Nnnguh, hits so many of my happy buttons, mainly the one for slow, organic relationship development. The UST builds and builds and just... Also features Adam being a possessive bastard, which, yeah. Guh.


It's All Over My Face Frank/Mikey. Set in 2003 when the boys were legit roommates (I want to say flatmates, but that's because I live in England). Des' is brilliant at writing boys as such boys omg; dialogue, humour, description - all spot on and hilarious. The sex scene is realistic and sneaks in some d/s vibes that make me happy in my pants.

Can Never Wrong This Right
Frank/Gerard. In 1949 Professor Way, an arheologist, and Frank, his pining research assistant set out to South America to find the legendary Blood Stone. And end up accidentally soul-bonded. As you do. Cracky premise that turns into something quite intense and even dark at times. Lovely little period touches as well.

By the Scent of the Moon
Patrick/Mikey, Bob/Gerard. AU. Interesting world-building with rules of the werewolf society subtly interwoven into the story. Sold me on a pairing I haven't much considered before. Also hot (mmm hierarchical power structures and rules of behaviour, my kinks scratched).

a scent and a sound Frank/Mikey. More werewolf fic, this time with werewolves as a discriminated minority - a premise that adds an interesting and a more serious dimension to otherwise simple (but well done) 'getting together' story. Good use of sensory description. Imperfect and realistic characters.

I'm Gonna Tell It Like a John Locke Story Ryan/Spencer. I'm usually leery of amnesia fics, but the premise works really well here as an opportunity to start again and to remember the good things anew.

Amateur Cartography Brendon/Spencer. Hands down one the best, most realistic bdsm fics I've read. The relationship development here is outstanding; the uncertainty and confusion, getting things wrong, getting them right, the mix of physical and mental, the emotions you can't keep separate no matter how much you try. The wax-play scene in particular is just... yeah, yeah, just like that. Fuck. Go read it now.

Being Human

Sheep in Wolf's Clothing George/Mitchell. This fandom is lamentably small so finding good long fic is like winning a lottery. It's the apocalypse and the only person who can stop it is... George? There is some really fascinating mythology building here and my only gripe is that I would have wanted to see MOAR of it and would happily read tens of thousands of words about the Old Ones and history of vampirism. Great read.

The Fast and the Furious

The Kind That Talk The Loudest Brian/Dom. Guh. I mean, guhhhhhhhhh. Smouldering. But also really good character piece about meaning of family.

Hawaii Five-0 (2010)

The Turning of the Tide Danny/Steve. There's a short prequel to this here, but I'm mainly reccing this part alone. There is something very sensual about this fic. Boys playing in the water.

Chin/Kono. In which 'cousin' is a term of enderment and closeness, rather than indicating actual blood ties. Okay, so, confession: I would read so much het incest fic about these two because... I mean, have you seen them? Sex on a stick. Or, on a surf board and motorcycle. But whatever. This is your chance to indulge in the pairing without feeling skeeved by the incest-factor if that's what usually bothers you. Wonderful Kono pov. Maps the relationship from childhood to present day. Excellent context setting in terms of the the culture and community Chin and Kono are part of. Hot het sex.

I Have a History of Taking Off My Shirt
Danny/Steve. Nobody likes a cock-tease and there's no such thing as harmless flirting. Angsty and hot like burning.

hoʻomanawanui i ka ʻono Danny/Steve. Mortal danger leaves to revelations! Ngl, I love it when Steve angsts. Also, Danny's rants are hilarious and I can hear the character voices.

High, High, Very High Danny/Steve. Reads like an episode (the plot is similarly cracky) with additional slash, of course. Steve does not adjust well to being put on compulsory convalescent leave. He does, however, manage babysitting Grace with only a few grey hairs to Danny. Funny, long, entertaining.

Spoken in a Whisper Danny/Steve. This author does kink so very, very well, and never ignores the psychological side of things. One of the best spanking fics I've read. Raw and realistic.

Lonely People Do Stupid Things
Danny/Steve. Christmas fluff with 'meeting the parents' and first-time goodness thrown in. Happy-making in the best of ways.

bright shining as the sun
Danny/Steve. My 'competency/unexpected skill kink' meets my 'drawing/writing on skin' kink with delightful results. Oh god, I want Danny's past turn out to be canon so bad. Guh.

Mr Rosso Goes to Hawaii Danny/Steve. Undercover as gay! Man, I love that trope. And this fic. Just an incredibly entertaining read.

put your mind at ease
Danny/Steve. So, DADT got repelled. Doesn't mean that the change is easy to deal with. Fuck, this one hurt like a healing wound. Outstanding.


Four Days in October Lewis/Hathaway. Link goes to the last part which has previous chapters linked. Interesting case fic with good original characters. Feels like an episode with added bonus of Robbie and Jim finally getting their act together.


Pairing Pendragon/Merlin
Arthur/Merlin. AU. In which "Arthur is a BNF and Merlin is his prized beta reader". Oh. My. God. IT'S FUNNY 'COS IT'S TRUE, OKAY! This should be required reading to everyone in any fandom. Delicious Mete served with a generous helping of hilarity. Go laugh at your(our)selves.


Cold Hands, Warm Heart
Tim/Tony. Hypothermia fic! The author is like 95% responsible for me getting into this show and this pairing and her writing keeps me coming back. This is a hugely enjoyable handling of the old trope and lovely first time fic.

More Like Magic Tim/Tony. Undercover as gay! One of my all time favourite fic clichés, done great justice here. Deliciously angsty at times. Comfort reading, at least for me.

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

Scott Pilgrim vs. the Unspoken History Wallace/Scott, Ramona/Scott. (Yes, this is another film I've only just seen - I'm chronically behind on movie-based fandoms, so sue me). Character voices are spot-on. A break-up fic that still left me smiling.


John/Sherlock. This is a sequel to Crossed, which was the 'cropping with switching fic' I recced previously. This fic... it's hot yeah, but more than that I find it interesting. You don't see switching much in the bdsm fics, and while I'm not personally keen on it mid-scene, I find the interplay between John and Sherlock here absolutely fascinating. I just want to point at this fic and go 'yes, this, just so'.

Ridiculous John/Sherlock. AU where John is an army retrieval expert and Sherlock gets kidnapped... Hello, my competency kink is very happy to read about John being a BAMF and Sherlock not exactly conforming to the 'damsel in distress' stereotype either. Left me grinning delightedly.

John/Sherlock. Humiliation kink done really well. Filthy, filthy porn.

ncis, sherlock, fanfic rec, hawaii five-0, merlin, scott pilgrim vs. the world, being human, the fast and the furious, american idol, bandom, lewis

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