Dear Internet, Let's make out. Love, Kat.

Oct 10, 2010 12:20

Happy Sunday, have some stuff.

-    My cats are playing tag, it’s hilarious. It’s fairly warm today so I have the backdoor open. Basically, they’re running back and forth between the lounge and the back yard, Tricks chasing Perdie one way and Perdie chasing Tricks back the other way. For two such small cats they make enough noise that is sounds like a herd of wildebeest trampling all over my flat

-    That, however, is nothing compared to the continuous screeching from the woman next door. She has three children, who are far less loud than their mother. I swear to god this woman has no normal volume of voice, all she does is shout all the time. I just want to tape her mouth shut.

-    Dear Internet. Last night pushkin666 and I wrote over 4,000 words of angsty porn about Strictly Come Dancing judges (Craig/Bruno). I am so very, very sorry. Except for how it's kind of smoking hot. Still, am frightened about posting it eventually, because, well... Let’s just say that my recent experiences in writing RPS in small non-existing fandoms have left me very protective of my fourth wall...

-    My Torchwood help_pakistan fic is making progress and the end is almost in sight. This is mostly thanks to margaret_r and zeitheist and their invaluable help. Ladies, I will email the finished product to you within a few days.

-    Shout out to my fabulous Finngirls! Yesterday’s post brought me a coaster! With some very, very disturbing and rude messages about Chad Michael Murray, fuck holes and Hardycorn (...which I imagine is some sort of unholy morphosis of Tom Hardy and an unicorn - frightening!). I’m not quite sure what it was all about, but I liked it! Thank you so much, you have no idea how much that brightened my day!

-    It was a good day for post yesterday as I also got my Adam Lambert tickets! \o/

-    The inaugural northwest_fen meet is next weekend the 16th of October. If you haven’t already joined and/or pimped the comm, you should do so immediately :D

-    Let’s finish with some links:
* moth2fic vs. Portuguese Telecom: A tale of triumph and tragedy. And you thought your internet provider was bad...
* moth2fic has also been having some interesting issues with YouTube and G-Mail. Maybe you can help? Or at least offer condolences...
* Yeo Valley Rap - These farmers are rolling in their Masseys, chucking cold milk whilst bailing hay. Yo. The owl is my favourite. Also Daisy.
* Smell Like A Monster - Sesame Street does Old Spice Guy. Crying. With laughter. Oh god, genius.
* Shot-for-Shot Remake of Goofy Movie - Awe-inspiring.
* Sharktopus Trailer - Oh SyFy your movies are pure gold. There’s a theme song. And some really mind-bogglingly bad CGI and acting. SHARKTOPUS!
* Finally, something more serious: It Gets Better Project - Messages of hope for the LGBT youth.

torchwood, perdie and tricks, north-west fen, real life, flist love, random, american idol, writing, vid rec

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