Writing Round-Up for 2009

Jan 17, 2010 17:18

I'm working on new stuff, I swear. But before that, comes traditional 'omg is this all I achieved last year' round-up of posted scribbles. With some self-indulged ramblings.

Fic by Fandom

American Idol:
Two Princes (Adam/Kris, PG, 100 words)

Addiction (Gerard/Mikey, NC-17, 100 words)
a thousand ways to kneel (Jon/Spencer, Brendon/Ryan, PG-13, 1,300 words)
Cenozoic (Patrick/Pete, PG, 100 words)
Cinderella, she seems so easy (Gerard/Mikey, NC-17, 9,600 words)
Dream a Little Dream of Me (Alex/Ryland, PG, 100 words)
my light is electric (Brendon/Gabe, R, 100 words)
Red-eye (Alex/Ryland, PG, 100 words)
Snare (Brendon/Spencer, PG, 100 words)
well you done done me and you bet i felt it (Patrick/Pete, PG-13, 6,800 words) - co-authored with pushkin666

Doctor Who:
Velocity (Jack/Nine, PG, 100 words)

Life on Mars:
Attention (Chris/Ray, PG-13, 100 words)

Anchor (Arthur/Merlin, R, 100 words)
Corona (Gen or Gwen/Morgana, PG, 100 words)
Exhale (Arthur/Merlin, R, 100 words)
Golden (Arthur/Merlin, R, 100 words)
Imparity (Gen, PG, 100 words)
Standpoint (Arthur/Merlin, PG, 100 words)

The Professionals:
Pack (Bodie/Doyle, PG-13, 100 words)

Robin Hood:
Moirai (Gen or implied Much/Robin, PG, 150 words)

Stargate Atlantis:
Cartography (Gen, PG, 500 words)
Root of the Matter (Cadman/Weir, PG-13, 300 words)
walk with me, the road is long (Cadman/Weir, PG-13, 300 words)

Cauterize (Gen or implied Castiel/Deanm PG-13, 100 words)
Conscription (Gen, PG-13, 100 words)
Gesture (Dean/Sam, PG, 200 words)
Intel, Chase, Reprieve (anywhere_road, Andy/Ash, PG, 300 words)

ain't no love in here, girl.
Azalea Avenue
i am sun-drunk today
i like words
i’m all fists and hips baby
It's All Fine
my hands are greedy, my heart is worse
Protest Song
Queen of the World
Snow Elf's Lament
These are not my ‘fuck me’ boots
you were wrong first


My best story this year:

You tell me!

Well, judging by the reception alone, I think Cinderella, she seems so easy was the unexpected success story of the year. It started as a half-assed answer to pushkin666 daring me to write 'cross-dressing waycest' and then grew feelings and complex motivations and a respectable word count. I remember posting it with some apprehension and very little expectation. I didn't think it would appeal to most of my flist, and I had no idea how the established MCR/waycest contingent would receive it. I assumed that the fact that the story was centred around a specific kink (cross-dressing) would severely narrow the potential audience. To my continued delight and bewilderment, the fandom turned out to be much more willing to traipse down to Special Hell with me than I'd assumed. I just wish trialia would stop introducing me with 'she wrote RPS incest with cross-dressing!' tacked at the end of my name...

But that's just popularity measure. The ones that I'm most satisfied in terms of quality of writing are Cartography and Moirai and out of the poems, ain't no love in here, girl. is a personal favourite.

Story most underappreciated by the universe, in my opinion:

Oh well you done done me and you bet i felt it definitely! pushkin666 and I are very proud of this lovely piece of angsty fluff. Yes, it's cliched, but it's the good kind, with happy ending and emotional satisfaction! I've seen some flisters moan the lack of Patrick/Pete of late, so go wallow!

Most fun story:

Um, I don't think I wrote any fun stories this year? Maybe Standpoint (because Merlin in stocks is always entertaining) or Cenozoic (because TA!PAtrick/Prof!Pete seemed to tickle the fancy of many).

Fluffiest story:

Two Princes and Gesture - both were written for divalucia for when she needed cheering up in form of schmoopy fic.

Most angsty story:

Moirai. Letting go of Robin Hood was painful, mainly because the final season was so disappointing. This is a show that could have been amazing, and even though it really wasn't I would have stuck with it to the bitter end. And did. Much will always remain one of my favourite characters, and the relationship between him and Robin, one of the most dysfunctionally fascinating ones.

Special mention to Snow Elf's Lament

Sexiest story:

Cinderella, she seems so easy I think had the only explicit sex scene of this year's stories. But also the whole story is like one long foreplay session...

Special mention to Golden and These are not my ‘fuck me’ boots

Single sexiest moment:

Hands down, to me it was Gerard's stage performance in Cinderella, she seems so easy  with Mikey in the audience. Differing opinions are welcome.

"Holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story:

Cinderella, she seems so easy I believe RPS incest with cross-dressing qualifies? a thousand ways to kneel explored slavery a little, which I haven't done before, but it was still relatively tame.

Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters:

Cinderella, she seems so easy (yes, this story could be an answer to most of this questions) and Addiction. They are different takes on the same relationship, but especially the latter made me very thinky about the potential for destructive, twisted co-depency incest pairings have.

Hardest story to write:

Cartography and Root of the Matter were laborious, though in different ways. With the first one, it was the need to get the language perfect, in the second it was writing an unfamiliar pairing and a one I have no personal affiliation to.

Biggest Disappointment:

Not finishing more of my wips. Not managing the post-beta edits on Access All Areas.

Biggest Surprise:

Blah blah blah the unexpected popularity of Cinderella, she seems so easy

But enough of that sordid story, the surprise I really want to talk about was the lovely and talented bluesbell turning Queen of the World into an actualfax song. Hearing my words like that... all beautiful and out there, with other people mouthing along. I don't even know how to describe that feeling, I think my heart expanded about three sizes. That experience went straight into the top ten list of 'best moments of my life', no lie.

Most Unintentionally Telling Story:

Addiction. Although more the DVD commentary I did for it. Probably every single poem if you read between the lines.

my poetry, writing, my fanfiction

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