Because apparently Sunday is for procrastination... Well, no, I have like firm plans to clean the office, go to the shop, do the dishes and wash some laundry. You're all jealous of my exciting life now, aren't you?
Aaaanyway. Let's do a meme. A writing meme, which is the type I'm chronically unable to resist.
Ask me a question about one of my fanfics
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sophie : oh, totally. are we going to make Ash have short hair, for this fic, like in the picture?
Mistress Kat : remember how he had to cut it after that thing with the zombies
sophie : ahhh, that's right.
sophie : (heh. zombies. )
Mistress Kat : that was the case that also convinced him to stop getting high *before* a hunt
Mistress Kat : i'm thinking zombies got his hair somehow, *because* he was high and a bit slow with the ducking
sophie : and Andy was all "OMG!!!1!!" and tried to use his psychic powers to make the zombies let Ash go.
Mistress Kat : only ANDY YOU MORON zombies are not alive and therefore don't have minds to mess with
sophie : exactly!!!! I bet it doesn't really do much good for *his* mind, either.
Mistress Kat : it'll rebound like from a blank wall
sophie : so, Andy shoots the zombie with the shotgun, and then, like, starts to collapse.
sophie : which isn't good, because Ash is high and Andy is running at half-capacity, if *that*.
Mistress Kat : and Ash is all MY BEAUTIFUL HAIR!!!
sophie : and Andy is all "oh my goddd. *sway*"
Mistress Kat : Which has like brains and stuff on it
sophie : hahaha.
Mistress Kat : and it's too disgusting and torn to do anything with except shave it all off
Mistress Kat : and for like three weeks Ash looks like an AIDS kid until it grows back all soft and blond
sophie : (oh my god, Ash. *snorts*). and Andy spends those three weeks torn between amusement and quiet concern.
Mistress Kat : hee
Mistress Kat : and also Andy has a weird compulsion about touching Ash's head when it's all naked and then downy soft with new growth
sophie : but Ash insists on wearing a hat when he's out in public.
Mistress Kat : so Andy tries to surreptitiously touch it when he's asleep
sophie : *snicker*
Mistress Kat : and when they're having sex, which isn't that often yet, because now that they're sort of cutting down on the weed and out of money for booze, the excuses are thin on the ground and they're not quite ready to just do it simply because they want to
sophie : awww. boysss. *hug*.
sophie : I'm pretty sure Ash would try and pin Andy down if he kept touching his head. (mmm. kink! )
Mistress Kat : fkdslfg
sophie : o_O
Mistress Kat : i'm thinking Ash might secretly like Andy pettig his head and sort of nuzzle into it like a giant cat
sophie : ... I'm still stuck on the mental image of Ash pinning Andy's hands to the bed. *____*
Mistress Kat : *thud*
Mistress Kat : and next day there would be bruises on his wrists
Mistress Kat : and when Andy thought Ash wasn't looking, he would rub his thumb over them, pressing down just this side of pain
sophie : *shiver*
sophie : but, of course, Ash notices. so he does it again, the next time, because he knows how much Andy likes it.
sophie : ... ohh. I can just see Andy thumbing the bruises on his wrist, and Ash seeing out of the corner of his eye and smirking
Mistress Kat : or... he feels all guilty about the bruises and thinks Andy is angry and doesn't make a move on him for ages
Mistress Kat : cue massive amounts of sexual frustration
sophie : LMAO. I like that idea. Andy with sexual frustration. omg. ASH with sexual frustration.
Mistress Kat : haha
Mistress Kat : they are fucking lethal
Mistress Kat : any devil span that so much as fucking twitches is going to get it!
Mistress Kat : they'll take all their frustrations out on really violent hunts
sophie : lmao!
Mistress Kat : oh boys...
sophie : they're so inept.
Mistress Kat : but so adorable
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