Things I Did Today:
~ Tried not to let the actors I'm costuming for a local production of Romeo and Juliet drive me nuts. (Icon related, in multiple ways.) To be fair, only one person in the show is even close to obnoxious, which is pretty unusual for a group of actors. The rest of them are sweethearts but have a strange, otherworldly talent for causing zippers to tear and buttons to fly off their doublets. But hey, I'm getting paid, so I don't really mind THAT much.
~ Commented on random posts on
~ Dropped by my sister's dorm to bring her some allergy meds and a copy of Spirited Away for a class project. (Yes, she gets to watch a Miyazaki film for her class project. Yes, I'm kinda jealous.)
~ Convinced myself NOT to buy this BtSSB JSK in navy because I already have it in pink (EVEN THOUGH IT'S SO GORGEOUS IN BLUE AND I LOVE THE ONE I HAVE TO PIECES AND THIS ONE IS NOW 25% OFF ON THE WEB SITE aslkjdglkasdlkgj WHY):
~ Checked all my favorite web comics (Questionable Content, Girls With Slingshots, Yu+Me, Red String, and XKCD).
Things I Did Not Do Today:
~ Decide which pink bolero I want from Bodyline, because dangnabbit, I could really use one to go with the BtSSB skirt I bought during the winter (and still haven't worn! *sob*).
~ Stop listening to the "How to Train Your Dragon" soundtrack. I LOVE THIS SOUNDTRACK SO MUCH. I loved the movie too, but I LOVE THE SOUNDTRACK MORE. John Powell is amazing. ♥
~ Make myself some more icons. Now that I have a paid account, I figure I may as well make some of my own. Currently almost all of my awesome icons are from
~ Write. Holy cheese on a cracker, I NEED to get back to writing. I haven't done it in almost a week because of all the costume stuff. I was just at a really good part in Chapter Four, too. I think I'm going to go do that now. *scurries off*