Dragon Prince - Chapter Fifteen

May 27, 2010 20:55

Dragon Prince
Chapter Fifteen

Youngsaeng swallowed thickly, “How much did you hear?”

“Enough,” Kyujong replied.

The dragon nodded and sighed. “Then I guess I owe you an explanation.”

“I would say so,” Kyujong agreed.

Youngsaeng nodded and sat back down on the ground and patted the space beside him. He waited until Kyujong was seated before taking a deep breath and beginning to speak. “You remember how I told you that a dragon mates for life?”

“Yes,” Kyujong said with a nod. “And because of that you told me you couldn’t fall in love with me because you would be needed to reproduce your race.”

“Yes,” Youngsaeng agreed. “When two dragons, or even a dragon and a human decide to become mates, they form something known as a Mate Bond. It is much like marriage yet with a human, the human gets perks of the longer life and the magic that I spoke of earlier.”

“I know all of this, you told me when we first agreed to our relationship,” Kyujong reminded him gently.

Youngsaeng nodded again. “There is another kind of bond. To my kind it is known as a Life Bond. This sort of bond is very rare and has only happened a handful of times in our history. It can only occur between dragons because it requires both partners to possess dragon magic. This bond isn’t like a Mate Bond, in that it isn’t voluntary. The moment the pair see each other they are inexplicitly drawn together, pulled to one another.”

“Then what?” Kyujong asked.

“Then the pair may seal the bond, or they may resist it,” Youngsaeng said softly.

“What does resisting it do?”

“For a while, nothing. Eventually the pair will feel desire for one another for small things like just being near. If they manage to resist and separate they will become unable to be with another and will likely waste away into nothingness,” as Youngsaeng spoke he pulled his knees to his chest and curled his arms around himself.

“Has that happened before?” Kyujong asked gently.

“Once,” Youngsaeng said sadly. “It was before I was born but I am told that it was awful to watch. His partner was killed before they could seal the bond and he literally lay down and wasted away.”

“What happens when the pair completes the bond?”

“They share everything with one another. Magic, thoughts, life. They say that the pair’s hearts beat as one.”

Kyujong couldn’t help but smile at the envious look on Youngsaeng’s face. “You want that,” he said simply.

Youngsaeng looked startled then sighed. “Who wouldn’t want that? Who wouldn’t want a relationship where you know without a doubt that your partner would always love you and could never leave you or do anything to hurt you any more then you could carve your own heart out of your chest.”

“So this bond starts as soon as you see the person and only grows in strength?”

“Yes,” Youngsaeng said quietly.

“So the Prince huh?”

Another quiet, “Yes.”

“So how do you plan to convince him that you are destined to be together? I remember hearing some rather interesting ideas on our relationship,” Kyujong pointed out.

“I won’t have to convince him. He will be able to feel it too,” Youngsaeng answered honestly.

“Well then what are you waiting for? It’s not like he can hurt you. Not with the way it sounds like the bond works.”

“It wasn’t supposed to be possible for humans to betray a Mate Bond either,” Youngsaeng replied simply.

“When was the last Life Bond?” Kyujong asked curiously.

“When the dragon tribes were still at war,” Youngsaeng answered immediately. “A dragon of the water tribe and one of the metal tribe formed a Life Bond and through that they led the tribes to peace.”

“Don’t you think they were just a bit terrified of each other?”

“I imagine so,” Youngsaeng answered. Then he narrowed his eyes at a grinning Kyujong. “Don’t even go there.”

Kyujong laughed and rose to his feet. “Someone had to. For a big bad dragon you sure are a chicken.”

Youngsaeng scowled and picked up the bowl and jar. “You try being in my shoes for a day.”

“You don’t really wear shoes,” Kyujong teased. “You have claws,” he laughed when Youngsaeng took a playful swipe at him and he danced back out of the way.

It didn’t take any effort for Youngsaeng to out maneuver him and wrap an arm around his waist to drag him close. When he leaned in to steal a kiss, a move that was so very familiar to both of them, Kyujong placed a finger over his lips. “I won’t be a substitute for another man anymore,” the healer said gently.

Youngsaeng’s eyes widened, startled. “It’s not like that. It has never been like that, Kyujong.”

“I know, but if you kiss me now it will be,” despite his words he dropped his hand letting the dragon do as he choose.

Youngsaeng leaned closer, closing his eyes and pressing their foreheads together. “Thank you,” he whispered softly.

“For what?” Kyujong prompted, not because he needed to know, but because he knew the man across from him needed to put it into words.

“You were the first human that I ever trusted with all of my secrets. You were the first to know everything that I am, and you were alright with it. You never asked for anything more,” Youngsaeng’s voice was filled with an unexplainable sorrow. “You were my best friend, and I think that I loved you,” he whispered softly.

Kyujong laughed lightly. “Silly dragon, I still am your best friend and you still love me. Nothing has changed between us, you are just going to have another best friend and person that you love and that is okay.”

Youngsaeng pulled away so he could offer the man a startled glance. “You knew?”

“I’m not stupid,” Kyujong said easily. “I’m well trained in the human body, and although you may not be human, this body is. It told me everything I needed to know, long before you ever could.”

“You knew?” Youngsaeng reiterated, blinking in confusion.

“That you had the hots for our little prince?” Kyujong grinned. “Long before you did I think. See I was born a human and I know how the human body reacts to things much better than you do. You have trouble controlling what you don’t understand. You are just lucky the prince is as clueless as you are.” Kyujong flicked him playfully on the nose and then moved away as Youngsaeng’s hold loosened.

The dragon scowled and rubbed his nose, before turning and marching back towards the clan as if he was irritated. With a laugh, Kyujong fell in beside him easily. The pair walked in silence for a while before Youngsaeng broke it with a question. “What about you?”

“What about me?” Kyujong asked curiously.

“You have needs. I mean physical needs. What about those?”

“We are not having this conversation,” Kyujong said firmly, fighting down a blush.

When they returned to the camp, Youngsaeng was surprised to find all of his friends still awake around the campfire. As if by instinct his eyes sought out the prince. Hyunjoong met his gaze curiously and the two stared at each other for a long awkward moment. Kyujong snickered and moved around the fire to flop rather ungracefully between Jungmin and Hyungjoon, pressing the pair apart.

“Oh Jungmin,” Kyujong moan pathetically. “My heart has been ripped from my chest; I think I will need you to care for me tonight.”

A brief look of confusion flashed across the other man’s face before he smoothly followed Kyujong’s led. “And what is it that I can do for you?”

“I have needs and our resident dragon no longer wants to see to them,” Kyujong lamented.

“How dare he! Why would he neglect you?” Jungmin cooed.

“He has found someone else,” Kyujong declared dramatically. “He doesn’t want me anymore, now he wants-”

Before anyone had seen him move, Youngsaeng was around the fire with his hand pressed firmly over Kyujong’s mouth. “One more word,” he hissed, “and I will freeze the spit in your throat.”

“You can do that?” Hyungjoon asked his voice tinged with excitement.

“I don’t know. I have never tried, but I would love to find out,” Youngsaeng replied with a dangerous smile. He glanced down at Kyujong whose eyes were sparkling with mischief before dragging the man up to stand with a firm hand under his arm. “Excuse us for a second,” he said sweetly before he pulled Kyujong away from the fire.

“Don’t worry, they are always like this,” he heard Hyunjoong explain to his guards as they moved away.

As soon as they were out of the light, Youngsaeng released the man and continued on towards their wagon. Kyujong laughed lightly as he followed them. “I think you were the most panicked person there,” the healer said with a smirk, glancing to Youngsaeng as they walked.

“I do not need you announcing to the world my,” he paused searching for the right words, “condition.”

“It’s not a condition,” Kyujong scoffed, “and if you don’t tell him soon you are going to be in trouble. Did you forget you are going to need a certain something in a week max and I’m not giving it to you anymore?” Youngsaeng grumbled a few choice words under his breath and continued to walk. “I would hurry if I were you. I doubt that the prince really would enjoy your first time together with you being a dragon.”

Youngsaeng glared at him and then promptly ignored him in favor of climbing into the wagon and rummaging around in Kyujong’s trunk. “I mean,” Kyujong continued leaning against the edge of the open door. “Don’t get me wrong, the scales are kinda sexy and your wings are pretty nice, especially what touching them in certain ways does to you, but I prefer them on a somewhat humanoid form if I am going to be playing with them in any way.”

The dragon turned and glared at him, black flicking through his irises. “You are enjoying this aren’t you?” he said tersely.

“Only a little bit. You deserve it after how you have been treating me,” Kyujong replied. At the look of guilt that flashed across Youngsaeng’s face he sighed. “What are you looking for?”

“A seed that Arunika gave me,” he said as he turned his attention back to the trunk. Kyujong climbed into the wagon with him and in no time at all found the tiny bundle that Youngsaeng had been looking for. “Thanks,” Youngsaeng said as he accepted the bundle and unwrapped it. Inside was a small pot of dirt.

Youngsaeng cradled it carefully as he hopped out of the wagon. Once outside he set the small pot on the ledge of the wagon and withdrew a dagger from his belt. Quickly he pricked his finger and allowed a single drop of blood to puddle forth onto the skin. Around it small water droplets began to collect, running together and merging as one when they hit another droplet. In short order the water had engulfed the blood turning the whole mess leaving a round reddish bubble of water the size of a bead balanced on his finger. With his free hand he picked up the pot and then inverted his finger allowing the water and blood mixture to splash onto the soil. It was absorbed immediately and Youngsaeng smiled.

“What was that?” Kyujong asked curiously.

“A gift that will lead Arunika right to us,” Youngsaeng replied.

“There you two are,” Soojin greeted them as she approached. “I take it you have reached your contact?” she asked looking directly at Youngsaeng, when he nodded she smiled. “Then come along, everyone is still up waiting for the two of you so that we can plan. We have a lot to talk about.”

Youngsaeng nodded seriously, “Yes we do.”

In the two days that followed their planning session, all of the members of their impromptu rescue brigade were busy. Youngsaeng was thankful for the distraction of repeated preparations that needed to be made. He left his friends to pack the supplies and things they would need for the journey as he focused on how to keep the clan protected in his absence.

The solution that he arrived upon was one that no one could help him with and gave him an excuse to stay away from the clan for the time being. He was grateful for that fact because it was becoming harder and harder to resist the prince. Repeatedly he had thought about simply telling him, pulling him aside and begging him to understand, but the prince was constantly surrounded by his guards. While Youngsaeng nearly trusted the prince to not betray him, he did not trust the men that were constantly with him.

Due to their presence, Youngsaeng still hadn’t worked up the nerve to tell the prince by the evening that Arunika arrived, two nights after she was called. “Arunika,” he greeted warmly, smiling and rising from their evening fire to give her a hug.

“Hello,” she paused for a minute as if trying to remember something, “Youngsaeng.” The smile she offered him was full of mirth and he rolled his eyes.

“Welcome to our clan,” Youngsaeng told her. “This is Soojin, the Clan Head.”

Soojin rose with a smile. “Welcome, and thank you for healing one of my children,” she said warmly.

Surprise flashed across Arunika’s face and Youngsaeng sighed. “These are the rest of her children, Jungmin, Hyungjoon, and Kyujong.”

“You have a very lovely family,” Arunika told the other woman.

Soojin smiled. “Strangely enough, it is constantly growing.”

“And who is this?” Arunika gestured with a knowing look at the prince.

“That is Hyunjoong,” Youngsaeng said quickly. “Can I talk to you for a minute?” He didn’t wait for her reply but instead grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her away from the group.

“You still haven’t told him,” she said. Youngsaeng could tell it wasn’t a question although her voice sounded highly amused.

“I’m working up too it,” Youngsaeng grumbled.

“Khemkhaeng,” Arunika protested sharply, easily pulling her wrist free from him. “If you don’t tell him soon you are going to just end up acting without talking and that would be so much worse.”

“I’ll tell him. I just need a few more days. Please don’t say anything to him,” Youngsaeng begged.

Arunika sighed. “Fine. I won’t say anything to him.”

“And don’t touch him,” Youngsaeng added suddenly.

She smiled and patted him on the cheek. “Ah you young things. Now if you will excuse me, I have a mate of my own to attend to.”

Youngsaeng nodded. “Just tell Soojin I went to bed early please.”

“I will,” she replied with a secretive smile.

Chapter Sixteen


AN: And it finally is all explained. Cookies for nearly all of you who saw all of the many hints as to where this pairing situation was going. ^_^

ss501, fanfiction, dragon prince, dbsk

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