So I have a question? Does anyone besides my friends that I know irl read my normal journal entries? I don't care either way I'm just curious. If I didn't want people to read it I wouldn't write it here.
Anyway this is me being bored in class. I'm in a diversity class which is interesting mostly but the teacher is so spastic and all over the place that it drives me crazy. We spent the last hour talking about two subjects which were on the list of like 12 things we were supposed to do. It drove me crazy. Although it was pretty humorous that while we were talking about Asians I was sorting my pictures of my Asian groups.
This is also me trying to be good and not post the next chapters of my fics. I love my comments and after about 24 hours I've noticed that I don't get a whole lot more. It just tickles me silly to hear what everyone says. Then all the comments and love make me want to post the next chapters... I'll probably give in and post You Belong with Me later today cause I can't wait. From the Soul to the Song I'm just waiting for my beta to get back to me with the next chapter, but she currently sick so I'm not rushing it. (wow I think I'm writing runon sentences and I am to lazy to correct them in fact I think I am to lazy to continue... how lame am I *head desk*)