From the Soul to the Song: Verse Two

Oct 06, 2009 20:26

From the Soul to the Song
Verse Two

It was as if the world had been taken and turned upside down, then shaken rather forcefully until everything was beyond the point of scrambled before being righted again. Only then was it left alone to settle.

Heechul knew from his first experience that watching the world become scrambled around him was equal parts disturbing and horrifying. Ever since that time he had promptly closed his eyes the moment he heard the quiet voice and felt the small pull at his being. Hankyung and Siwon had learned to do the same. The rest of Super Junior, however was not quite so lucky.

Once he had felt the world calm around him, Heechul chanced opening his eyes to see the rest of his members in varying states of distress. Eunhyuk was sprawled on his back looking entirely dazed. Donghae appeared to be lying altogether unconscious. Kyuhyun had managed to stumble a few feet before he had collapsed and began to violently vomit. Sungmin, although not quite to that state, sat just behind him looking like he may join shortly.

Leeteuk stood where he had been, a shocked and disoriented expression on his face. Beside him Kangin looked quite green and as if he was trying incredibly hard to remain standing. Shindong had given up altogether and had fallen to his knees, clutching his head. More than likely from a splitting head ache. Zhou mi looked as though he was getting ready join Kyuhyun in his vomiting spree. Kibum, who had managed to listen to Heechul only a fraction of a second too late, had simply sunk to his knees and still had his eyes clenched shut. Ryeowook was stumbling, his gaze unfocused and leaning on Henry who looked a little too green in the face.

“Huh,” was the first sound to come out of the group that was coherent. It was delivered by the only one who hadn’t seemed to be affected by what had happened. Amongst the other members, stood Yesung, who was looking around at the scenery curiously.

He had watched as their dressing room dissolved, the white walls and harsh light giving way to bright colors and a much softer glow. Where there had been hard tiles, plush green grass had solidified. Walls had vanished and in their place large trees and strangely crafted buildings materialized. The staff that had been milling about them had disappeared completely leaving just them in what appeared to be a small clearing.

A grin slowly spread across his face as he turned in a full circle examining the area around them. It was almost as if they had been dropped in the middle of a fantasy movie. Yesung actually remembered seeing something like this - the nature, the beauty of the buildings - in an American movie once. The one called Lord of the Rings or something like that. It looked like the sort of places where the elves would live.

Yet this was much better than anything he had ever seen in the movies. The world was alive with colors that he couldn’t even begin to name, shades that he couldn’t even begin to describe and there was a feeling to it that he could only name as Life. As he completed his circle he spoke the only word that was on his mind at the moment, “cool.”

“Speak for yourself,” Kyuhyun groaned, wiping the back of his mouth with the sleeve of his jacket.

His words seemed to snap Yesung out of his wonder and he glanced at the members around him. Immediately he wrapped an arm around Ryeowook’s waist to steady the man. Heechul, simply crossed his arms while Siwon and Hankyung moved to check on the rest of the members. “What happened to you guys?” Yesung questioned in confusion.

“I feel like someone sucked out all of my insides, stuffed them all in a blender, pressed high, and then stuffed them all back in me,” Sungmin groaned.

“Me too,” Ryeowook agreed.

“Not me. I feel like someone is trying to jab a nail through my head,” Shindong whined clearly in pain.

“Eunhyuk looks like he is high,” Henry said softly.

“I am sorry. The trip affects all differently,” a soft feminine voice spoke just outside their cluster. At the sound of her voice, any that could, turned to look at her. Yesung could have sworn that she had not been there a second ago and in truth she had not.

In front of them stood a woman in a flowing blue dress that shifted around her as the breeze stirred it. Eyes of the strangest silver shade seemed to take in everything in front of them and accept it with a calm wisdom. Her hair, the same color as fresh snow, was half piled on her head in intricate curls and loops, the rest hung down her back just past her waist. Her ears, Yesung was disappointed to note, were distinctly human. His disappointment was short lived as his eyes fell on the rest of her.

From her shoulder blades, two white wings sprouted. They were not feathered like a birds wings, but instead seemed to somewhat resemble the wings of a bat. Yesung preferred to think that they looked exactly like dragon wings, and in part they did. All along the edge of them, over bone and muscle were layers of shimmering white scales. The membrane, which was barely visible in their folded state, was nearly transparent. Despite that quality, the wings did not look at all frail.

“Cool,” Yesung breathed, once more the only word he could form.

She smiled softly at him, before addressing them again. “Forgive me. I had no time to waste. I could not allow the Dark Ones to get any closer to you. Your presence alone was drawing them.”

“What are you talking about?” Leeteuk asked. He had regained enough of himself that his protective leader instincts were beginning to kick in.

She offered him an understanding smile that conveyed so much motherly gentleness that he couldn’t help relax a bit. “My name is Vidyagauri, and this place that you have been brought to is called Sanctuary. You are safer here then you have been anywhere in your lives. In this world there is nothing that can harm you. On your world that is not the case. There are Dark Ones there that would aim to steal your song and therefore your soul. As Weavers and Singers as well as a Player and a Spinner, you would be safe. However you do not know of your own abilities yet. I cannot protect you in your world while I am here, but if you are here with me I can.”

By the time she was done speaking most of Super Junior had somewhat recovered themselves. Everyone looked less sick then they had. Eunhyuk and Donghae were both sitting and conscious with the help of Siwon and Hankyung respectively. Most of the members stared at her as if she was crazy. Yesung simply looked curious. Heechul bored.

Then Kyuhyun burst out in laughter. “Wow Heechul this is your best prank yet. You had me there for a moment. I mean her wings look almost real. But really you should have come up with a better story. I mean seriously ‘steal our song’? It’s like a bad case of plagiarism.”

Heechul raised an eyebrow at him. “Yes I drugged all of you and dragged you to the middle of a forest where I had already built a huge city and hired this woman to wear very real looking wings and play my game. Oh no. I’m found out. Whatever shall I do?” he said dryly. Kyuhyun opened his mouth to say something and then shut it again as Heechul’s words sank in.

Before anyone could say anything further, a small ball of light appeared by Vidyagauri’s side. Slowly at first, and then with increasing speed it grew until it was a shinning flat disk approximately ten feet in diameter.

They only had a moment to wonder at this before a sneaker covered foot appeared. It was followed by a jean covered leg, which was followed by a torso, an arm, a voice that said, “I told you we were going to be late!” Then a head, the other arm, the back, the other leg, and the other foot appeared revealing an entire man that had seeming stepped out of the disk much like one would walk through a door.

“I’m sorry. It was important,” a second man stated as he appeared.

“Of course it was. You would die if you couldn’t have your kimchi. We know,” a third man said as he stepped through.

“It’s not just kimchi! It’s my spices too!” the second exclaimed. A fourth stepped through, smiling lightly at the situation. The men that were through shuffled to the side to allow others space to step. One after the other walked out of the disk until the tenth and final one stepped through.

“Could you all move any slower? Are you trying to kill me?” said the last. In the blink of an eye the disk vanished leaving the ten men that had emerged from it standing in a cluster by Vidyagauri.

“Sorry we were late,” the first one apologized to her. “He,” he jerked his thumb at the second man who spoke, “had to get his food.”

“It is alright,” she reassured him. “I am sure they will feel much more comfortable now that you are here.”

It was only then that Super Junior was able to overcome their shock and put voice to their thoughts. “Yunho?” Leeteuk said in disbelief.

“Yeah it’s really me,” the first man through the disk said with a grin. “Don’t worry the shock will wear off.”

“Don’t let him lie to you,” the third through the portal argued.

“I’m not lying Changmin,” Yunho argued.

“Yes you are. The WTF moments never really stop.”

“They do. Eventually,” Yunho said with a sigh. He glanced at the second man who had come through the portal. “Jae, stop acting like you have to guard your cooler no one is going to take it.”

Jaejoong gave him a look saying he clearly begged to differ.

“Junsu?” Eunhyuk questioned in disbelief. Then he was on his feet and moving to his friend that he hadn’t seen in quite some time. Junsu, the one who had come through the disk last, caught Eunhyuk up in a hug, happy to see him as well.

“No one is excited to see me?” Yoochun, who was standing beside Junsu asked.

“They aren’t processing correctly at the moment. You didn’t when we first showed up.”

“Not everyone can just accept the new situation like you can, Hyunjoong,” Yoochun told him with a scowl. He shrugged but didn’t argue further.

“Ok so now all of DBSK and SS501 are in on Heechul’s joke?” Kyuhyun asked no one in particular.

Siwon shook his head. “No. It isn’t a joke. This is a place where we are safe. Where we can learn to battle the dark forces in our world.” Oddly enough everyone thought that the words sounded rather normal coming from his mouth.

“Battle how?” Sungmin asked.

“We have abilities. I guess you could sort of call it magic. We use it to help us fight the Dark Ones. Without it we couldn’t touch them,” Siwon explained. Approximately half of Super Junior looked like they didn’t believe a word he said, the other half simply looked stunned. Yesung looked very curious.

Heechul snorted. “They are not going to believe us until they see a demonstration. I didn’t, even after one.”

“In that case, it’s been a while. We could go a round,” Yunho challenged.

“Fine by me. You sure you don’t want Siwon or Hankyung to sit it out,” Heechul returned smirking.

“You’ll need both if you even want a prayer of beating Changmin and I.” Yunho and Changmin both moved beyond the group to the other half of the open grassy meadow. Heechul headed to the same area but placed himself so he was at least a hundred feet from Yunho. Hankyung made sure that Donghae was able to sit on his own before following.

“Standard rules apply,” Vidyagauri said. “Fight until yield. Blunted weapons only.”

Yunho cracked his neck and stretched his arms. “Are you sure you want your concert outfits to get ruined?”

Heechul laughed, “Someone here can fix them.”

“We are not your personal repairmen,” Youngsaeng muttered loud enough to be heard by Heechul.

“Both parties ready?” Vidyagauri asked. At her words Changmin stepped up beside Yunho and slipped his hand into the other man’s. Hankyung moved several feet in front of Heechul, taking a defensive stance while Siwon stood at Heechul’s side and twined their fingers together. Yunho and Heechul both nodded, their eyes focused on the opponent, on each other.

“You may begin,” she declared. On opposite sides of the field men readied themselves and then they began to sing.

Verse Three


from the soul to the song, fanfiction, super junior

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