Dear Journal: Entry Fifty - Heechul

Sep 27, 2009 00:16

Dear Diary Journal
Entry Fifty - Heechul

Dear Diary,

Tonight I kissed Hankyung. I even added in some tongue for good measure. He is quite the kisser once he got over the “we were just talking about my mother’s cooking and now your lips are against mine” moment.

I managed to ‘make out’ with him until the count of 60 where I proceeded to roll him off the bed, land on top of him, and order him to moan loudly or my knee really was going to shift and meet his tender spots.

Thankfully Hankyung moans rather nicely.

That will teach those kids to try to pull a hidden camera on Kim Heechul.


Entry Fifty One - Donghae


AN: You guys this makes fifty entries! That is a crazy amount of entires! I can't believe there are still people with me on this adventure! Since we finally hit fifty what do you all think? Should I keep writing these things? Should I retire them? Are there characters you would like to hear from more often or ideas that you love, hate, want to see? Should I go for another fifty or should I have stopped at five? What do you think?

fanfiction, super junior, dear journal

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