Dear Journal: Entry Forty Eight - Henry

Sep 27, 2009 00:09

Dear Diary Journal
Entry Forty Eight - Henry

Dear Journal,

This may have gotten just a bit out of hand… I mean when Z mentioned starting this it sounded fun so I joined him. Then we needed to recruit agent K. Agent R walked in on agents Z and K installing the equipment. Then agent S came to play a game and joined in. He recruited agent E on his way to get popcorn. They met agent D in the hall with agent Y and both were recruited. Agent SW (we couldn’t call Siwon S, we can’t have two that would be confusing) came to tell his roommate agent S that they should go to bed since we have to get up in three hours and fifteen minutes. When he saw what we were doing he decided to join in to “see a side of his band mates he had never seen”. Agent SD (see what I mean about too many S agents) joined, like he would ever pass up this chance, when he came to find out where agent E had gotten lost on the way to get snacks.

We thought it was all over before it started when agent L showed up to shoo us all to bed, but agent K and Z spoke really fast and mentioned the words “hidden camera” and “this should work on Heechul”. Now agent L is manning the video feed directly into our room.

So far nothing eventful has happened. The subject in question is actually just sitting on his bed combing the Cat’s hair. Nothing but rather boring conversation has occurred. Time will tell. I’ll wait for a bit to see what happens….

It has been fifteen minutes since I stopped writing and Journal you will not believe what just happened! The Cat just kissed the subject! I don’t mean a hidden by a hand, let’s make the fans scream kiss, I mean a full on the lips maybe involving a bit of tongue kiss! Then he pulled off Hankyung’s shirt and they made out for a while. I’ll spare you the details because we were all just in pure shock. Then they rolled off of the bed and out of our camera angle but there were still noises.

Everybody is staring at the computer in shock. I was sure agent SW was going to start praying but I think his brain has shut down. Agent K and Z didn’t really expect to find anything like this. Agent L just shut off our camera feed and ordered us all to bed.

I bet we have a group meeting about this tomorrow.

~ Agent H

Entry Forty Nine - Eunhyuk


fanfiction, super junior, dear journal

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