Writing again, but not here!

Apr 21, 2020 12:44

Wow it has been a long time! I'm sure there are still a few of you around this thing, since I know that I regularly check on on some of my old favorite authors.

So I will get right down to it, I am writing again! This time it is Teen Wolf fanfiction but if you like my Of Flesh universe, then you will enjoy this. It is technically a sperate universe but it will feel very much like the one you are used to. The main character is even a Quieter in all but name (I call them Omegas in this one). So if you would like feel free to hop on over and read them! https://archiveofourown.org/works/23765923/chapters/57084484

I'm also going to be posting a lot of my old fic there. Most of it I'm thinking of polishing up as I repost but we shall see. Feel free to give me a follow over there.

On a more personal note, the little one is now two and a complete joy as she learns and grows. We have recently started playing with mommy's Lego Elves set, which she is pretty good with. The worst she does is constantly remove the hair from the little people and pull off the small bits to put them someplace else. It has earned her the name Destructor, but that is fine.

I hope everyone is doing well during this crazy time in the world!

writing news, life

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