A Teaching Career

Feb 28, 2016 22:41

So the interesting thing about being a teacher is remembering all the fun you used to have as a kid.

For the past 9 weeks, I have been teaching a creative writing class. It has been so much fun it interact with young writers in various stages and commitments of writing. It reminds me of just how much I used to enjoy writing before life became to busy to do it any more. Between being married and teaching, I just don't seem to have the same amount of hours that I used to have. Plus not that my husband is not supportive, he just tends to want to do things together all the time. When I write, I tend to curl up for hours and not want to be interrupted so that I don't lose my train of thought.

Still these kids have me smiling. They asked me early on if I knew what yaoi and fanfiction were... I just smiled. If my students only knew.

Any who, I am working (very slowly) on finishing the UKISS side story in my Of Flesh universe. I won't start posting until it is finished because I don't want to make people wait a ton. I've also be tossing around a few original ideas.

On another note, I have discovered the group named Seventeen.... Heaven help me they remind me so much of Super Junior with all their personality... As soon as I learn all of them, all bets are probably off...

And this post has been so random! Sorry guys. I know there are still a few of you who read this. I'm very thankful for those of you that hang around.

writing news, life

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