Hey all, if you have ever used stumbleupon, you know you can waste a lot of time online going to sites you never would have found otherwise. I am going to start posting some of the sites i've stumbled on lately here along with my reviews, good or bad. Hope you enjoy.
Alfred Hitchcock Cameos If you are into Hitchcock and love his movies then this site is ok. You can't click on the pics though to enlarge them so trying to see the man in cameo scenes just isn't that great. I've seen better sites and to be honest I really don't like Hitchcock movies.
Michael Onona online galleryLooks like good art, but dude has something going on with nekid old guys. Some is very interesting, some of his paintings are disturbing, but all are bound to make you think. I gave it a thumbs up.
The Official God FAQNow, me being me, I just loved this in-depth, detailed FAQ about if there is a God or not. Please don't flame me, I didn't create the site, i'm just giving it a major thumbs up :D
More to come as I stumble along. If you are a stumbler as well, give me a shout! If you like this idea, msg me! I love hearing from new ppl and no one ever reads this blog except for Fred and cyndi :P