Now I'm all for anything that energizes the under-40 crowd to be involved and get out to vote, so I'm not criticizing the rally for sanity/fear in theory. I have a greater problem with the execution, however. Specifically, with what Jon Stewart, who I usually love, had to say with his platform
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He probably focused too much on cable media, and was trying not to sound partisan in an attempt to be heard by more than just liberals... but I think the motivation for his speech was probably a growing frustration with birthers and others on the loony fringe who've somehow gained equal status with reasonable, respectable public servants and activists.
I was at the rally. It was a fantastic time. Was it all about the message? No, definitely not. It was about the entertainment and getting people such as myself who normally wouldn't attend such things to attend something and make us remember that we really do have a voice.
For me personally, it was a very good experience that I will remember for the rest of my life. Will it change the way I vote? Probably not. Will it change the way I think? Probably not.
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