Oh, joy

Feb 15, 2008 01:41

Been feeling like complete crap of late. Pretty sure it's mostly due to feeling really stressed out from work. And having a real winner of a customer on the phone today did not help in the least. She claimed to understand when I told her that we couldn't deliver the DSL signal to her without a dial tone on the line. And she told me that the phone techs would be out tomorrow to fix the dial tone issue. I explained that I can't even order a DSL tech to go out until that dial tone was on the line, and she claimed to understand this. Yet she wanted her DSL on by 9 am or she was going to cancel her service. And when I tried to tell her that if her dial tone isn't back by 9 then she wouldn't have DSL by 9, she just went on and on about how we don't want to help her and she's going to cancel if she doesn't have it by 9.

Fortunately there's training on the horizon. Six weeks of training. Sure, it can be tedious and boring at times, but it's not dealing with the general public, either. I'm not scheduled for it as of today, but I may have a schedule for mine soon. I'm hoping for the 7am-4pm time slot, as that will mean not working late hours. I'm happier to do the too-early shift, even if it means being up at 6am or earlier. So, here's hoping things get less stressful soon.

work, health

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