Editor and Publisher has an article about a fun little comment made by Ilsa, She-wolf of the SS Ann Coulter. Here is the opening of the article:
Universal Press Syndicate columnist Ann Coulter "joked" during a Thursday speech that liberal Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens should be poisoned. "We need somebody to put rat poisoning in Justice Stevens' creme brulee," Coulter said at Philander Smith College in Little Rock, Ark. "That's just a joke, for you in the media."
Now, 14 years ago, when George H. W. Bush came to Bowling Green on a campaign stop, there was a drunk student arrested in Taco Bell for jokingly threatening the life of the president. And it's understandable while such a person would be at least detained, if not arrested. But why is Ann Coulter allowed to get away with jokingly making threats on the life of a Supreme Court justice, while completely sober, and have it considered a harmless joke? She should have at least been run in to the Little Rock P. D. and processed. If you can't make a joke threat on the president, or on a member of Congress for that matter, why is it allowable when the subject is elderly man sitting on the highest court in the land? Has noone in Little Rock read "The Pelican Brief"? And considering the way that people on the whack-job right, like James Kopp, will take any old person's suggestion that killing a doctor who performs abortion is justifiable homicide, what's to keep another one of those nutcases deciding that killing a pro-choice justice would likewise be justifiable?
Ann Coulter, the (not so) feminine side of the American Taliban.