Meme from
heppoko_drill 1. What is your favourite animal? - I love cats! But I'm allergic, so I have gerbils, I like them too^^
2. Favourite season? - Summer ofcourse! Then late Spring. I like the fiery folliage Autumn, but the rain sucks. And I like the snow, but I like Summer the most.
3. Which colour do you prefer: purple or teal? Purple. I think teal is a bit bleak...
4. What is your hobby? - IDK...I almost quit drawing...maybe Capoeira, but its also for fitness...I collect tickets: from the cinema, museums and concerts...
5. How do you say 'Grasshopper' in Russian? - Кузнечик. Its pronounced like kuz-ne-chik, with a [u] - sound, not a [ju] and the second syllable is stressed, and the e is an [e].
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