(no subject)

Jul 20, 2006 19:56

I went to the arts and social science summer orientation today at Carleton. It was … good?

It was really informative and lessened my anxieties for some things but it was also really hot out and long (I nearly fell asleep).
My “Eagle” group leader Brandon was really cool. He was always saying things like “I’m not supposed to tell you this but” or “I’m not supposed to take you here but we got lost *wink wink*.
Parents were allowed to go too. They had special sessions for parents but I purposely did not invite my mom to go with me, yet I some how let it slip that she could have gone. Whoops. So she is a little sad that I didn’t invite her but she is now realizing that it was better this way. For example, I would not have done this… sat in the smoking section chairs because I was an hour early because my dad drove me instead of taking a buss. While I was there, three third years came and sat with me because they were kicked off the stairs to study for their exam today by the construction workers. They saw how out of place I looked so they introduced themselves to me and we started talking. They were really random and fun. They would give me advice and then tease me about being a frosh and also calling me beautiful all in one conversation.
In my group I also met two girls, Laura and Courtney who will be in my art history class. I ended up bussing home with Laura who is staying in Kanata with her cousins because she lives in Peterborough. Thank goodness I was with her because I don’t know if she would have made it home (she nearly took the 118 Hurdman not 118 Kanata. She had no idea what she was doing).
I learned of some rituals at Carleton, like dunking yourself in the blue fountain once before graduating that will stain you blue and running up the tallest tower stairs (21 floors) all at once (I probably wont do this one). Also there are mystery busses….you pay like $30 and take a mystery grey hound bus to an unknown party destination like Kingston or Montreal YAY.
I’m so tired now I am seriously considering going to bed now. There is nobody else online and I have nothing else to do. (secretly I will probably still be up at 2 but we shall see what happens)
Oh my gosh I nearly forgot...i got my campus card. My picture makes me look like a Giraffe!!! My hair fell on either side on my neck (as hair does) but that just made it look like my neck keeps going because I was wearing a low cut top so you don't see the top of my top to show were my neck stops. I don't know how well i explained that but oh well
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