Apr 14, 2006 21:40
Number Two: Alex, Hase, and Emma stn again last night. It was a great amount of fun. So then this morning, we all got up at like..530 and went to the living room. Yep. Then today was extra fun as well. I went to Oak Mountain. And met this rill, rill hott trail guide that did horse trails. Oh wow. Hahaha. Sad news: Hase and I lost Cranium. Again. For like the third time in a row.
Then, Loaded Questions. I was looking at answer sheets later today. Haha, just listen:
If you could add ANY feature to your cell phone, what would it be?
An ESPN LINE! -hase
Who do you think you are WAY smarter than?
Alex & Emma -hase
Emma & Alex -katrina
If you could have a hotline on any topic, what would it be on?
A support line for those rejected by hotbar(s) -hase
A support line for people who think they are actually monkeys. Like the MIC (Monkey Identity Crises) -emma
What has your lowest grade ever been? (this is why hase and I are smarter than them! Hah.)
A 91 -alex
An 81 -emma
If you could have any wrestling ring name, what would it be?
the pulverizing platypus -katrina
Cali P. -hase
Man, Hase Terry, you had some rill good answers.
PS: I could only find Jana's answer sheet and Hase's answer sheet for these.
Ahmazing song lyrics: (To the tune of Natasha's Unwritten. Start with the "realease your innhibition.")
Check your FaceBook message.
Will you go with me to prom?
No one else will look as pretty,
no one else can dance like me.
No one else, no one else,
deserves yall; hotbar and sweet tea.
Tickets go for Jessie and Trine,
pick us up in a limosine.
Party late! Dance the night away!
What will happen after today?
By the way, I like the Sims. Fun game. I reccommend buying it right now. Hehhhhbluh.