July in Michigan and Mother Nature's AC ... brrrrrrrr ....

Jul 18, 2003 09:52

oooh yeah, July doesn not mean summer heat for Michigan, unless you are thinking of furnace heat ... the lows last night went down to 48 degrees here and most of Michigan was in the middle 40's to low 50's ... and it is almost 10 a.m. and it still hasn't made it to 60 degrees yet... 59 and climbing ( I hope ) Mother Nature's AC and the effects of Lake Effect weather via Lake Michigan and Canadian cold fronts screaming in from Canada... dang... BRRRRRRRRR.... the combination of all of those can make for a colder than normal July for parts of Michigan... especially the NW corner of Lower Michigan .....

Dang, I was waiting for the weatherman to give windchill temperatures along with the actual temperatures ... shezzzz....

ok.. here is something I thought was funny... a truth that is funnier than fiction ---- >

The fellow who coined the phrase, "What
goes up must come down" must have
lived before they invented taxes and
postal rates.

( ROFL... dang ... that is funny... just wish it wasn't true, but then it probably wouldn't be a funny joke if it wasn't so true)
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