lets bash kaitie

Dec 29, 2006 00:51

Bad things about myself that make me have bad relationships with other people....

(each section has to deal with my relationships to certain people... it doesnt matter who each group is)

1. apparently, I lose trust too easily.
2. When anything is going well, I don't acknowledge it.
3. I'm too quick to point out the negative side of things (obviously... this whole entry is the negatives in me).
4. My emotions flip flop way too quickly.
5. when i make a decision, i can't stick to it.
6. i lie just for fun.
7. If something isn't perfect, i make a big deal.
8. once i make something a big deal, i wont drop it.
9. if my "big deal" is taken care of by someone else, i reject it and say,  to the wonderful person who is only trying to let me have my way, "ugh just forget it. i didnt care anyway"
10. i can draw an argument out for 2 hours and change the topic of my argument 5 times
11. i feel like a failure when things dont work out perfectly.
12. i dont see a good thing when i have it, instead i see the better things i COULD have
13. i use tears to get me what i want.
14. sometimes i'm just in a bad mood for NO reason at all.
15. certain people are so amazing that it confuses me and my emotions.

1. I'm too afraid to put myself out there.
2. i dont see when someone else is making an effort and i'm pushing myself away to feel cooler.

1. i take good people for granted.
2. i hurt the ones i love.
3. when i get aggravated, i do NOT drop things.
4. i cant sit down and have a real conversation about the thing i want to talk about. i bring up something stupid that ISNT what i'm wanting to talk about. then get in an argument about that stupid thing when really i wanted to talk about something else!
5. i treat these people like they're stupid.

1. i cant accept that i am loved.
2. i worry too much about being replaced.
3. i love to tell other people's secrets.
4. once i decide to do something, i change my mind, then lie about the reason i didnt want to do that something.
5. i put on fake smiles too often.
6. i put on fake frowns too.
7. let's face it, i'm fake.
8. i'm horrible at giving advice, so i go to others for advice way too often.
9. certain people are so amazing that it confuses me and my emotions. (this one's on here twice)
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