Feb 11, 2004 23:16
I think my speech went rather well today. Joanne and Kellie came up to the room to try and watch me from outside, but I wouldn't tell them what time I was going to go. I think if they would have watched, I would have been even more nervous then I was. I hardly used any note cards and I didn't cross my legs like I did last time. However, I did look down a few times because it's just too damn hard to make chocolate chip cookies and not watch what you are doing.
I got a letter in the mail saying that my class at Saint Hubert's is now scheduled at NERC. Guess I won't need to be going far on Tuesday. LOL I figure when I'm done tutoring at 5PM, I'll run up to the mall and grab something to eat like I plan on doing on Thursdays as well. I think I'm liking the fact that I changed my tutoring schedule and will have Fridays off. I'll let you know after I put my seven hours in tutoring and three hours in for class tomorrow night what I think though.
Today is also my brother's birthday. I haven't really talked to him since a few days after Christmas. He was sick with the flu and he mentioned something about calling back the next day and maybe talking to my Mom, but he never did. I kind of miss having him in my life and talking to him on a regular basis. But how can you talk to someone who is so totally different everytime you talk to them? When you try to be serious or actually carry on a real conversation with him, he acts like a complete ass. And nine times out of ten you don't know whether or not to believe if he's lying or not. *Sigh* Well I hope he's okay and happy wherever he is and whatever he's doing.