Haha okay so I jumped the gun a little but I tend to do that when I'm hurt. All is good and happy again in relationship land. Class went really well tonight. I handed in my Math Unit that isn't actually due until next week and our Professor let us out an hour early. She majorly rawks. And this girl that is in like two of my other classes gave me a rose. (It's not what you perverts are thinking so you can stop that right now!) Kinda long story so I won't go into that tonight.
I've heard so many people rant over today all because it's Valentine's Day. I guess to a degree I vented too, but I would have done so whether it was Valentine's Day or not. But like what I don't get and what a few other people have mentioned today, what's the big deal about Valentine's Day? Like someone said earlier "Do I hate Jewish people because they celebrate Hanukkah? No, it's just like any other day." And also I would like to bring up a very valid point that
flamefairy made earlier in her post about today she be used to appreciate those that you love and are close to you... meaning like your friends and family. So what the fuck if you don't have a significant other? Appreciate those who are there for you through thick and thin! And in closing...
Happy Valentine's Day!