
Jan 30, 2005 14:10

WoW this is has been a weekend of nothing but sitting and watchin TV all day long, now that's prolly not healthy, but who cares? My parents were outta town and Laura left Saturday morning and didn't come back till like 7:15 So it was great. My game unfortunatly got cancelled Saturday cause of the stupid snow, ice, rain when it has all melted now! Friday was great. School was stupid and I didn't do nething except in pre-cal I took notes and clothing design did my coat. I was tryin to leave during spanish, but unforuntatly we had cops out the wazoo Friday at school because of immature people who like to call in and say they're going to shoot everyone at the pep-rally. All we did in spanish was watch a movie, I'm glad I didn't try and leave cause well Zach got caught-glad it was u and not me! Last period was the pep-rally, and I have to say I'm extremly mad at Mrs. Cameron b/c she just LEFT us w/Mrs. Bower, now if u go to South u know her, however if u don't she's like a dern antique, I love the women to death but no one ever listens to her, i mean someone stuck her in a closet last year. HOW MEAN! (LOL) Well mrs. Cameron left work for us to do after the pep-rally, but see Casey and Avera and I were going to go to both pep-rally's but unfortunatly we got told to go back to to class my Mr. Aires (DARN) So when mrs. bower said we had to do a worksheet from the video someone decided to unplug the back of the TV -HAHAHAH and then we just told mrs. bowers that it was broken and that the cabel man had been there today and that he prolly cut the line-which was half true because he WAS there. So she got like 5 people to try and fix it and they all knew our lil scheme so they played along, and we didn't have to watch the video (HOORAY) unfortunatly Cameron left us MORE work because she knows us! She told us to write an essay on... "What makes a great teacher" and "what makes a great student" So Casey, Avera, and I colaberated and wrote about mrs. Cameron and then about US! it was great I hope she loves it, I know she will. (our class is mean) haha. Friday there were only 4 people at basketball practice because everyone else skipped out. oh well! I didn't go to church this morning because well...I didn't want to, I wanted to just stay home and chill so I did. I haven't been to church in a week and it's going to be a week and a half soon! (lol) One day I'll be back, I promise ya'll! Mommy and daddy are commin home today. Unfortunatly the snow is melting outside and the roads are clear, so I guess this measn school for US tomorrow- BOOOOOOO who wants to go to school? I need a day to stay home and work completly on my SEP that would be AWESOME don't you think? Well I'm gonna go change clothes and prolly do what I've done all weekend, NOTHING! LOVE YA *Kat*
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