Dreams of Abandonment and Nationals

Aug 26, 2005 08:06

Weird that fancydayz & chazellik
had crazy dreams last night, because so did I...

So the first one I'm up in the mountains at some cabin with my kids, random other people, and inglewoodgigolo. kattygirl and I decided to go home and since I couldn't immediately find Mia, I put Luna in the car and we drove off. I figured someone else would bring her back.

3 hours later, we pull up to our destination and I start making phone calls to find who brought Mia back. No one knew where she was. I'm freaking out and calling the police because my daughter is missing. Of course, I totally left her in the mountains, but I was quite regretful. I call Doug and cry to him on the phone.

The End

2nd dream. And this one is reeeally weird!

So I'm back at Nationals again. In fact, we all were. Isn't that great? Um...things were a little different this time.

The place looked completely different. Sometimes looking like a huge mall. Sometimes morphing into the unexplainable. lowhumcrush was there, Marc Parmallo (sp?) was there, and you were there and you were there and you were there.

So I and my accompanying shadow (who was probably fancydayz since we were attached at the hip at real Nats, but who I never actually saw in this dream. only felt.) were going to the after party at Nats and we went into what appeared to be a HUGE nature's gifts kind of store. We were going to see bundyisntthere and then to the party. Marc Parmallow gives me a humongous broken rain stick and I am holding a piece in both hands as I walk up to Bundy.

Bundy is FUCKED UP! Seriously. He appears to be on some kind of opiate along with maybe a psychedelic. Can't look me in the eye. Doesn't make much sense. But we greet each other and I move on.

I move into the area where most of the people are gathered and see Jamie Kennedy. Jamie pulls me over to him and I show him this tiny vial of translucent pale yellow liquid. He proceeds to lace the weed in his tiny pipe with my drug and smoke it. This produces an almost heroine effect on Jamie. We sit with each other for a while, and then I move on.

We are drinking wine. The police show up. These police are nothing like the ABQ police with their "please keep it down" at 4 am. No no no. These police were like gestapo. They stormed in, breaking things along their way. They broke my wine bottle.

They are looking for the ABQ team (spokenn and the crew). They are looking for them like they are going to try to kill them. We poets disavow all knowledge of their whereabouts. They leave and I check the rooms for the boys. I find them in a room with a guy at the computer. They are hiding under blankets that transform into chairs. I (who am suddenly in charge of their getaway) gather them up and we run to a secret-service looking black car and get in.

They're coming. We try to hurry and leave but there's this cop, who is suddenly not a human but a monster. He's at least 10 feet tall (probably taller) with a face that looks like the thing from the fantastic four. All blocky and bricky, but it was pink. He's got a long black cloak that trails down from his neck to his feet. Ridiculously menacing.

We're about to pull off when he shoves his hand through the metal of the car and grabs a chunk of Cuffey's head. His head slumps forward but there is no blood. Only space where that piece of his head and neck should be.

I'm terrified.

Then I wake up.

dreams, nationals

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