The Speech I Wrote for My Sister's Wedding

Jul 18, 2012 14:18

Hey, everybody. If we haven't already met, I'm Kat, Elisabeth's older sister.

She and I are a few years apart, so I've always felt protective of her. When she was preschool age, I used to get in trouble by our babysitter for speaking for her.

"Would you like a cookie, Elisabeth?"

"Yes, she would, thank you."

"Do you need to use the restroom before we go?"

"No, she just went."

I was quite confused as to why I couldn't just answer for her when I knew I knew all her answers.

She, of course, learned to speak for herself. And I learned to let her talk--most of the time. I've watched her grow into the beautiful, amazing woman she is today. She has kept her sweet and kind nature from childhood and developed qualities like confidence, ambitiousness (she just got an awesome new job, by the way), and intelligence.

I may still be the big sister, but she has taught me so much about what graciousness and selflessness looks like. She is always concerned with everyone being taken care of and having a good time. I am more than happy to take a lesson from my little sister every once in a while.

When I first met Mike, everyone in our family remarked about how quiet he was, but even then, not knowing him at all, I could see that witty, intelligent, and hilarious sarcastic nature (a man after my own heart) brewing beneath the quiet. And, like always, I was right. I am so grateful to have him as a brother-in-law and grateful to have his wonderful, gracious family join ours. If you are around his parents for any length of time, you can see that this is where he gets his humor and loyal nature. Terry and Kay recently celebrated 37 years together. Mike and Elisabeth have great role models in them.

If you are around Mike for any length of time, you will see what a great dad he is to Kendra. There is such a special bond between them; it's heartwarming to witness.

I, personally, trust him so much that I fired my first gun under his tutelage and didn't kill anyone, though it was a close call. So, of course, when Mike asked for our blessing to marry Elisabeth, we all had no reservations. As I've heard many people say recently, they make sense.

I don't know that I've ever seen a better fit. They encourage each other and help each other grow. She laughs as he drinks beef jerky MAN drinks with his best friend/best man, Ben, and he loves her even when she wears mom-shorts.

Since we were little girls, I've always wanted the best for my sister. I know that Mike will be that happy and safe place for both my sister and my niece. It is with a proud and joyful heart that I watch him accept the privilege of being a father and a husband.

And so I toast to you, my sister, Elisabeth, and my new brother, Mike. Congratulations!

weddings, speech, family, life

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