Once out of the airport, it wasn't the heat that let me know I was truly in Texas, but the massive quantity of police cars.
(Imagine this times a bazilion.)
In Texas (both from what I've experienced & what I'm told), they do everything big. Especially the cops. There were no fewer than 6 cop cars parked in and around the hotel we were staying at. Not a high recommendation for the hotel, but apparently the Howard Johnson hotel chain is well known in them there parts, so we had nothing to worry about.
We met up with Chris's brother, Kenny, and his girlfriend, Nadine and decided to go find a bar to frequent. Once in the bar (Haley's, I believe), I had the opportunity to people-watch a bit. It was 80's night,
so I can't really comment on their style of dress so much, and besides, the smoke throughout the place made everyone a little hazy and hard to see.
They were all young. Early 20's I'd surmise. And just so...calm.
I went outside for some non-carcinogenic air, and that is when it hit me. If this were a bar that I usually frequent, there'd be someone fighting in the street to my right,
someone consuming some sort of illicit substance behind the dumpster,
and someone dry humping to my left.
And this would be the calm sought outside, since inside would be even more riotous. These people were so calm. Friendly. Unassuming.
Just a very different feel from the bars I've experienced/frequented in Cali (whether in Modesto or the Bay). None of them could be accused of being "cool," but I think I preferred it that way. A very interesting sociological exploration.