So, I'm going to be performing in The Vagina Monologues at my college.
I researched them a little bit, and I found SO MANY negative opinions on it.
Here's an article that a girl wrote about them. The first problem with her article is her assumptions about feminism. Feminism is NOT about women who think that they are better than men. Women are not better. Historically, men have been more dominant in the culture. Contrary to popular belief, feminism is NOT based on the idea that we want "revenge". We want equality.
There is the backup now of "Oh, you are equal." But no, that is NOT entirely so. An improvement from a century ago? Yes. But there is more to come.
She says "I just want to know what Ensler's vulgar play is doing to end violence against women."
Want to know? Well, in addition to raising (many) millions of dollars for charities that HAVE/WILL CONTINUE TO stop violence towards women, they empower the ACTRESSES. I mean, that's not necisarily the goal, but after I researched feminism a bit more, I realized how much I really believe in it. And I think it does raise awareness. She states that it doesn't. I understand her view- I mean, it's farfetched that an entire audience would chant "cunt" and become aware. But it is NOT the kind of thing that is going to instantly fix the problem. But it makes the word vagina more acceptable in society.
I don't think of her play as vulgar. Quick piece of news. VAGINAS ARE REAL. There is NOTHING wrong with talking about it. There is nothing wrong with talking about penises either. There is nothing wrong with any of it. Our bodies. We've developed to a stage where obvious cleavage makes a girl a slut. Why though?
Why is a girl a slut if she wears a low cut shirt that doesn't hide her breasts entirely? Seriously? People actually have breasts. They happen. It's not a secret, and it shouldn't be.
And please, a well-written article, much more informative than I at the moment, is located
HERE. I'd really recommend reading. It actually demonstrates the message being sent out to and about women.
Want to debate about this? At all? I have an open mind, and I want to hear more opinions, but also try to hear mine. And I might also get a clearer view of my own opinion through some debate.