Title: A Family
Genre: AU, Angst, Fluff
Chapters: One-shot
Characters: ReitaxRuki
Author: Moi (
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Mentions of rape, M-preg
Disclaimer: I own no one.
Comments: I think this fic is still dedicated to
rei_cookie. xD; It's been so long. Enjoy anyway~ Ruki's PoV.
And he never looked at me the same again when the doctors discovered something... )
that is a perfect family
nothing else needs to be said.
I'm starting to think people missed the fact Ruki got raped and it's not Reita's child, though. xD But they're still a nice family~
Maybe they'll work on another kid. ;)
if he left ruki that would've been cruel but alot of people do that nowadays...:C
yeah! 8D
Yeah, you have a point there. :/
D: i had that happen to a friend
;; made me sad on the inside since no one helped her
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