Verbal spewage on ALL THE FEELINGS

Mar 20, 2011 23:35

First things first: The Sketch Book Project tours kicked off a week ago: first stop Austin, Texas (plus, visual map of the rest of the tourdates/venues here). My submission is pretentiously asian, and filled with sketches that are incriminating in the style employed. But, regardless, I hope that somebody out there enjoys looking at it. Some pages are already up. I imagine the rest will follow once I get around to uploading them.

And then comes the verbal spewage:

Spring break, as much of a misnomer as every other academic break period, came and went. Classes start again tomorrow, and I am shit at catching up on all the work that needs be done. Prior to spring break, there'd been the appellate brief. Now it's outlining season, and the gear-up for oral arguments.

Still haven't gotten a job paid/unpaid for the summer, but I'm not too worried. There's no rest for the wicked, et cetera et cetera.

Law school is--well. Law school requires me to draw on a side that didn't see much use prior. Prior, as in undergrad, as in high school, as in my entire fucking life prior to law school. It's fascinating, and confusing all the same.

Things have happened. Interesting things have happened. Funny things. Exasperating things. (And no, none of those are euphemisms for anything sordid, per se.) Unfortunately, each time something remotely hilarious comes along, I want to expound on it. Why else keep an online journal, right? But I always end up never doing so because, yegads, so much effort. How does meitachi do it? (Sometimes I wonder exactly how long I can keep this socializing/networking shark thing going, considering just how low-energy/misanthropic I am, naturally. So far so good, but seriously, if there's one thing I miss about being a pure science nerd, it's the excuse to just hole yourself away from humanity and not have others bat an eyelash at your reclusion /whine).

Fandom-wise, nothing's been going on really. Finally, finally finished the first part of a Reborn! fic I started 2 years ago. Somehow ended up with 5.7k words for just that one part, and am 300 words into the Interlude bit, which means the entire thing in its completion will be near 10k. Which is absolutely terrifying, crazy word count aside, because seriously. Seriously. I'm not even in the fandom anymore. Not really.

To be fair, I'm not really in any fandom anymore. I admittedly lurk like a stalker in yonder bushes a lurking thing that lurks in the Inception fandom, and I still read the occasional DCU fic when my alerts ping me of updates. However, disregarding the fact that I'm still apparently ficcing for a series long consigned to shounen hell (fingers crossed that the second part doesn't take another 2 years to complete), my interest in manga/anime fandoms has really dwindled. (i.e. writing fic, reading fic, drawing for, etc.)

... cue my panic, now that butterflycages and I are finally off the ACen artist alley waitlist. I don't care enough about KHR, or Hetalia, or DRRR!!, or whatever other series is popular nowadays to be motivated enough to create pretty new things. Law school is an abusive mistress, and I have more fun writing/doodling for Pomoland anyway. orz

I think I might want to talk some more about the paradox in my fandom-ing and ficcing habits at a later date, if possible. I don't foresee it doing much aside from being cathartic and revealing of my inability to not fixate. Case in point: I'm devouring the Inception fandom as a lurker, and all the wondrous fics fill me with such ~inspiration~. But what do I do? Do I write for Inception? HELLS NO. I write for Reborn.

No, I don't quite understand it myself. But it bears some reflecting upon, later.

In sum, you should all go listen to Ishtar Alabina. She sings in French, Arabic, Spanish, and Hebrew. Go, go listen to her now.

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1) A cover of a french song, Comme Toi.
2) Je sais d'où je viens. Freaking beautiful. Also in french.
3) Aime la vie. Sung in Spanish, French, and Arabic? It's fantastic. Just go listen to it now.

I'll upload the album I have of hers if anybody's interested in more of her music.

!art, personal, fuck my life, [miscellaneous], [katekyo hitman reborn!], writing notes, academia, [pomoland], recs, fandom, hiatus

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