[Meme] Guess the "OTP" lol

Aug 10, 2009 21:48

I'm finally on page 12 (i.e. the last page homg) of the little Pomoland doujin project I've been working on! But will need to go back and re-panel page 2 before I can even think of posting it anywhere.... that and write up the retailored character profiles. Goddammit. OTL

So, have a meme instead? This turned out to be more of an exercise in figuring out whether I had any OTPs LOL. The result of being an avid fandom-vehicle practitioner.

I could only come up with 9 in an effort to limit myself to one pairing per series. No big loss though? XD;


♯ Pick up to 10 OTPs.
♯ Describe them in less than 15 words.
♯ Have your flist guess the OTP.

01. Appearances and horrendous taste in condiments aside, they're almost the same person.
Gintoki/Hijikata -- Guessed by hyoutan (Am in the process of scanlating a doujin for them at this very moment hahahahaha. OTL GODDAMN WHY ARE THEY BOTH SUCH KICKASS CHARACTERS FFFF)

02. There's just something about being courted with flowers and fruit that fuels the bloodlust.
Mukuro/Hibari -- Guessed by runesque & soghunx (IF THIS DIDN'T RAISE ANY FLAGS, THEN YOU DON'T KNOW ME VERY WELL AT ALL.... OTL Or it's been so long that it's not very apparent anymore... /mourns)

03. Oh, he'll watch your back alright: Co-dependency doesn't even begin to describe it.
Kojuurou/Masamune -- Guessed by izkariote (Lord and his retainer/caretaker/baby-sitter/spouse?? It's actually kind of epic though--if Date dies, Kojuurou loses his reason to live; if Kojuurou dies, Date probably goes insane. L-lol)

04. Enough break-ups and get-togethers to satisfy a K-drama. But with nukes instead of cancer.
Russia/China -- Guessed by meiface (SinoSoviet relations through the ages--very much dramaaaaaz filled and. Well. Nukes were almost involved! :D;)

05. Naked buddies. On ice.
Leon/Gray -- Guessed by lil_blossom & zahho_mii (.... WELL THEY ARE. They grew up together (sort of)! Studied together (sort of)! STRIPPED TOGETHER.)

06. God came a-calling; something about a biblical taboo. Will he be staying for tea, my lord?
Riff/Cain -- Guessed by meiface (Old, old, old pairing--but it's a lasting one. :3)

07. Chainsaw massacre meets the French Revolution--let's be friends now.
Giriko/Justin -- Guessed by hyoutan (An admittedly dysfunctional pairing--but I tend to favor those types of dynamics. XD)

08. One-out-of-three is a royal douche bag; two-out-of-three deal with smokes and pies.
Mikael/Ares/Baruna -- Guessed by hyoutan (Technically a threesome. BUT THAT SHOULDN'T MATTER CAUSE THEIR DYNAMICS ARE JUST THAT FREAKING TIGHT :|b)

09. Truth needs no heart. And this suave bastard's is both black and white.
Tyki/Lavi -- Guessed by meiface & lil_blossom (WEIRD PAIRING, I know, I know. But it sort of goes hand-in-hand with not really liking most of the main cast and being horribly intrigued by all the intellectual faggotry possible between a Bookman and Noah. And. I don't even like DGM all that much lol. Just Lavi. And Tyki.)

ETA: Okay, so the shipdoms I dabble in are vague/obscure as hell sometimes. Who knew having more favorite characters than pairings could be so inconvenient...? Here's the list of series I pulled from--Vagrant Soldier Ares, Count Cain, Gintama, Reborn, Hetalia, Soul Eater, D.Gray-man, Sengoku BASARA, Fairy Tail. Hopefully that helps a bit in the guessing. >_>

ETA2: LMAO YOU GUYS GOT THEM ALL! Though I really do wonder if they'd have been guessed as fast had I not put up the cheat-list. XD Anyway, uh, thanks for playing? ♥ Need to go to bed and work on the original doujin tomorrow. That and study more. ::sigh::

#memes: general, fandom

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