Hetalia World Fighting Championship
Round 02 Voting is now opened! (ffffff France's entry... I'm going to lose so baaaad :'DDD)
Association Meme: Comment to this post and I will give you 5 subjects/things I associate you with. Then post this in your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given.
1. China (the character or otherwise)
2. 6918
3. Witty sarcasm, or is it sarcastic wit
4. Sumi-e
5. Eloquence/"Nice voice desu"
1. China (the character or otherwise)
So, I'm Chinese. I was born in China and my earliest memories were of drawing fanarts of Ne Zha/Nataku and albino rabbits eating bok choy with my paternal grandfather on his bed. My parents and I immigrated to Canada when I was four, but my upbringing continued to be painfully, traditionalistically Chinese. Plain congee rice with salty duck eggs and spicy radish is my ideal meal; I bow when I greet people regardless if I'm already shaking their hands or no (varying between a head-only nod to a slight inclination of the upper torso); I automatically cheer for the Chinese team during the Olympics, regardless of my legal standings lol. In short, I can has ethnic bias.
I realize this may be odd from a practical point of view. My parents had to go through the Cultural Revolution and all the wonderful character-building trappings that came with. Nonetheless, a good 75% of my habits/quirks/character is still a product of the culture that has root in that chicken shaped landmass (the rest is Western--democracy and the whole Manifest Destiny/individual agency shit that policymakers shoot out of their asses like rainbows, sometimes. /wry)
As for the Hetalia representation--I like the character design well enough. It plays on the lulzy aspects of China (of which there are a lot) and the androgyny of the physical appearance has been proven possible to go both ways? Personally I'm not completely fond of the character's personality in canon--it's not lulzy enough for a decent modern day portrayal. Which is to say, the way I see 21st century China is as a lulzy bastard--and I love it. :'D
2. 6918
I blame this one entirely on
nittle_grasper. I started out as a D18 fangirl (did you know?)--or rather, you could say that Hibari is my fandom luxury four wheel ride. |D;; Everyone gets a ride IF THEY CAN AFFORD IT, and Mukuro was first, all things considered. I think I didn't pay as much attention to the potential 6918 initially because although the UST was there, the fact that Monsieur Nappo gets locked up in a water tank didn't do wonders for the prospect of a viable long-distance, love-hate relationship--IS WHAT I THOUGHT AT FIRST. :'D In all technicality, 6918 is the type of pairing that appeals to me more than D18. They're on more equal grounds, I'd like to believe. And as much as I love Dino (flaming Ponyta nonwithstanding, because dude man, what), Mukuro is a fruity bastard and that counts towards another level of lulz altogether.
Anyway, the order of events went something like this: D18 →
forochel enters the fandom and heightens the joy in fangirling over D18 →
nittle_grasper enters the fandom and we like opposing characters/pairings (again) → Mishy goes MIA due to real life, ergo I lose my D18 fangirling fuel source → Kanae's top 5 favorite characters rankings are flung around like a red-headed stepchild (her #1 changed from Dino, to Gokudera, to Mukuro) → She begins to like 6918 despite not really liking Hibari at the time and I'm like OMFG I CAN ACTUALLY LIKE A PAIRING WITH YOU THIS IS EPIC HAS THE WORLD ENDED YET?
And then we spammed the fandom with 6918 crack. The end. :'D
3. Witty sarcasm, or is it sarcastic wit?
It could be both, but in my case I believe it to be more of the former, though I'd rather it be the latter. Sarcasm is a built-in reflex now: e.g. someone proposes the hypothetical situation wherein a poor schmuck toddles their car into a tree at noon. My automatic response = "good job. :D" I don't do it to be mean. I do it because I am a misanthropic bastard at heart. |D;;
I'm aspiring, really, I am.
4. Sumi-e
My parents have always dissuaded me from art, citing it as a waste of time--good only as a hobby and especially only when I have the time. That's not to say that they don't appreciate it though. My mom and my grandfather are both decent artists; my mom especially has a really good "art sense" (her term, not mine lol). I learned mostly from making them draw me stuff when I was wee little. The only art class they ever allowed me to take as an extracurricular was a 国画 (Chinese water color/sumi-e) course at my Chinese School that ended prematurely when the instructor upped and left for Canada randomly. :|
Regardless of that fiasco, I have a huge soft-spot for Sumi-e (my preferred brushes are wolf-hair for the ink brush and goat hair for the water brush). It's all diffusion and a remarkable balance between simplicity and detail. Definitely considering pulling out my (probably dried and caked) pigments to give it another go again.
5. Eloquence/"Nice voice desu" (good diction, and it still amazes me just how clear your pronounciation is despite the speed at which you speak... Actually this applies to both verbal and written)
During my formative, prepubescent years, I suppose I was what most would call a social recluse. This may have been in part due to having two working parents, no caretaker, and boxes filled with books along with my mother's wisdom-turned-litany "Books are your best friends." (Remarkably, I didn't find out that being alone as a super-minor was illegal until years after the fact. LOLOL) With the occasional encyclopedia aside, I started off with fiction/fantasy and pretty much stuck with that genre up until... now. David Eddings was a master at intelligent banter and I definitely picked up a lot of my vocabulary from his series.
I like orating lulzy texts to people who are willing to listen, namely
butterflycages.I think I can get away with it mostly because my voice has a hysterical range and lends well to such pieces such as the LOLcat bible and certain people's fics (♥). And apparently my face is hilarious too, when I talk. What.
Speaking fast is a habit... probably born of having spoken Mandarin first. Shanghainese is a really fast and fluid dialect--if ennunciated clearly, it can be very soothing. I can't speak Shanghainese (my accent is atrocious), but I can understand it well enough, and I think subconsciously I try to speak Mandarin as if I were speaking Shanghainese. English is very much the same deal--besides, rapid, but smooth diction makes ranting and/or talking down others so much more satisfying.
So some of you know that last week was a surprise Hell Week for me, made possible by an Anthropology of Existentialism midterm exam--and it was quite miserable. Finally figured out why I was so pain-faced two nights before the due date: Usually I'm stressed out like woah and desiring of some scenic locale from which to throw fling myself off of because I have too much stuff due for MANY classes. This time it was PURE MISERY for two weeks for ONE class. ONE. Granted, this class is also the bastard lovechild of Anthropology and Philosophy (no one knows who the daddy is) and I've come to the conclusion that most philosophers are misanthropic fucknuts whose mark of academia is the penchant to create as many new polysyllabics by crushing two together or by tacking on so many prefixes and suffixes onto a root that has absolutely no right to be so grossly overburdened in the first place (I mean "undiagrammatized" are you srs??). That and be all verbose and circular in their logic so as to CONFUSE THE FUCK OUT OF all us non-philosophy academics. >((( By the last page I wasn't even sure of what I was writing anymore--that meant that my paper was either profoundly philosophical or that it was pure unadulterated gibberish that even the professor wouldn't understand. I'm hoping for the former.
Basically I was getting too much bang for my buck. I stress-ate my way through 2/3 bags of the ketchup chips that
nymous_fic sent me (a;ldskfasdfh ILU TONYYYYY. ;____; I owe you something better than just a lameass card and print).
Anyway, I've just found out that I have two exams next week, and another paper due the week after that. And oh, let us not forget the one and a half weeks worth of reading that I have to catch up on and the 15-20 paged CAPSTONE paper a;ldskfjasdfh
... brb. googling cliffs in the St. Louis area from where I could possibly swan-dive off of.
BTW, this song is so PRETTY. Especially when used paired with
this video (god, so pretty). If anyone wants the song, I'll upload it.