My f-list is full of HP. Every single entry, one right after the other is HP related. Until you hit a community entry, or something. ::sigh::
(I'd thought to avoid this madness too, yesterday, by barricading myself in my room and hanging out on... well, not LJ for sure. UNTIL MY SISTER COMES BARGING IN WITH AN HP BOOK AND ASKING ME WHAT "RHEUMATISM" WAS--it wasn't even midnight yet, so I don't know where/how she got it, unless it was the 6th book and you know they all look the same after a while.)
I'm not going to go into further discussion about how much HP makes me want to walk into walls though. So, instead, alone in my little corner, some quite random and spoilerific thoughts on the latest chapter of KHR ch154.
... I feel a bit better on how Hibari looks now ::is shallow; stfu::, if only for that one panel. And also, if you click back to the first page of the chapter uploaded on that server, somebody did a pretty decent job of coloring the 10-yrs-later bust shot of him.
It's definitely good to see him still extraordinarily kick-ass and, well, thorough with his methods. From what I could understand of the dialogue, he's still very much his own Namimori-sexual man. The fact that an electrified billiard ball is able to indent his tonfa has me head-desking from Amano's concepts of SPESHUL-MAFIA-POWERS though.
craze_izumi made the post with the forum link to the Chinese scanlations, and also has a
bit of theory going on, if anyone who's relatively caught up wants to go take a look.
You know, if I were actually Japanese, I'd totally be moe-ing a thick cloud of fangirl miasma right now. As it is however, seeing as how I'm Chinese and incapable of "moe," I think I'll just go make more Hitman Reborn fics/art/icons. ♥