Life is what happens when...

Sep 08, 2008 22:08're busy making other plans.
My last bento was actually eaten on Friday rather than Thursday. I didn't realize that I had an important work lunch to attend. And then the prof didn't give us a break in class (we ended up getting out rather early), so my dinner wasn't eaten, either. It's been stashed in the fridge and held up remarkably well, so it's going to be for lunch now!

Bottom: veggie gyoza on top of ginger carrots, wasabi almonds in the container
Top: 1/4 asian pear, champagne grapes, cucumber (from CSA).
Beverage: unsweetened iced tea

Nutritional Information: 517 calories, 27g fat, 58g carbs, 13g protein

Husband's Bento

He's got chicken, potatoes, green beans, blueberries, and grapes.

Look good? You just might see something similar later on....

I have to say that it's easy to do this when you're in the groove, but once you get out of it, it can be tricky to jump back in. I just keep reminding myself that it's made some incredible changes in my health and I should keep it up.
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