
Jun 27, 2008 22:02


I laughed at all the cute little jokes and mannerisms of everyone. The jokes were sweet and not crude like a bunch of fart jokes and such.

All the character were great, only Pixar can make robots have such personality to them. I loved the expressions on EVE and Wall-E, the rolly-polly fat people and babies, and the little rag-tag group of robots.

It's just...amazing. It's a GOOD 3D movie, it had good messages, good story, and amazing lighting and effects. It looked REAL, not like a bunch of bright, color-dodgie colors you see in most 3D movies. It had old rusty buildings and sky scrapers out of garbage, to the magical galaxies of outer space, to sleek and innovative space ships.

I think the messages are the kinds everyone should believe in more nowadays. It had the message of being kind to nature and to not pollute. The message of getting active and exercising and not sitting on your butt and eat and enjoy your surroundings and nature. And the message against consumerism, how one company whores themselves out to everyone, ( a little ironic considering that this is a part Disney film)

I felt like going for a jog afterward or doing something active. I'm already a big eco freak, and think huge corporations are kinda shady....I'M LOOKIN' AT YOU WALL-MART!

One thing I like about this movie was that it didn't need a bunch of dialog to tell a great story and to get the point across. You can use your imagination and your brain to know and appreciate what's going on. And when the robots spoke, I loved how they sounded both electronic and organic. You knew they were robots yet you felt like they were a living creature at the same time.

AND THE CREDITS! I loved them. The little bits of 2D looked amazing, and I loved how it showed the progression of human art through the ages, from simple cave paintings to Van Gough. And the pixely animations in the credits were cute. That cockroach and his twinkie :)

One last thing I loved was the use of old-timey music from Hello Dolly in a futuristic setting. It just seemed to click some how.

One thing that bothers me about this film is why aren't there MORE of these kinds of movies? I was disappointed by the previews. When...uhg...Beverly Hills Chihuahua's trailer popped up I pulled out my ipod and cranked that bitch up to full blast with Andrew Bird music, GOOD MUSIC, while those dogs were singing. WHAT KIND OF MESSAGE, OR POINT, WILL THIS MOVIE HAVE? why disney ;_:

That Dash movie looked kinda cute, but I don't think it's that amazing. Peh, John Trevolta, Miley Cirus XP

Society has such a poor cultural diet these days. If it doesn't have some cute character or celebrity cast, kids can't appreciate the movie for what it IS not what it's made out to be by commercials.

Go see it! You won't regret it!

See it with your family,  friends, or by yourself! It's still awesome! Just be wary of screamy little girls and boys you may encounter in the theater.

The first thing I did when I got home was order the art book online :D

movies, pixar, wall-e

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