Title: Toaster Love
Author: kastari
Pairing: Centurion/Centurion
Summary: Sometimes love can be very mechanical.
Kink: Toaster on Toaster, free will & WD-40
Word Count: 100
Note: Written for
bsg_kink's Drabble Challenge; No prompt
Disclaimer: I’m just playing in Universal’s sandbox.
Toaster Love
Thanks to Brother Cavil, the Raiders had been dumbed down. Thanks to Natalie, the Centurions were now-less inhibited. Cavil was an asshole; Natalie a godsend.
Heavily armored, with retractable guns built into their lower arms and bladed fingertips, his single red eye gazed into hers. Sunlight glinted off their shiny, chrome bodies; a soft, summer breeze cooled them. They were projecting.
In a dimly lit secluded corridor aboard the base ship, two cybernetic lifeform nodes were locked together.
Free will and independent thought equaled love. No matter it was going to take a little WD-40 for them to ‘uncouple.’