Mar 16, 2004 21:16
So I woke up at 7am and showered and got dressed all pimp like for an interview. the job is maintaining huge ass equipmet for automated assembly and junk for cell phone casings. its not the actual case of the phone but a metal plate inside the phone that outlines the phone itself so EMI and other interference doesnt get out and fuck up other communication and your head. It was for that savcor company I mentioned. the interview went well...i made sure he knew I wanted the job and all..and he liked my background but he has to wait 2 weeks or something to let me know since there was more canidates than me. When I was on my way out I saw a guy that was in my class at DeVry. I thought that was pretty cool. Came home like 12ish and i had to be at school at 1. I ran up to wendys and grabbed some food and sat to eat. I never realized how popular those new salads are. 90% of the people in the dining area had a salad. There was atleast 20 people in there since it was lunch time and all. So I go to class and take my Lesson 11 quiz..only miss 1...then take my final...get a 94 or something on it..i dont remember but it was an A. It was only because i got all the bonus questions right but still. So I wait a long ass time...well past 5 (the time my class is usually over) but i didnt mind cause the instructors night class is kinda large and they are all at diff levels. So I go to my speed test. I watched someone do it my 2nd day there do it in 4:30 mins. The allotted time is 5 mins for 15 drinks out of 6 drills you have to study by. He said I could pick what drill I did so i studied up on one and took a practice run on it. I did 3:45 mins or somethin like that. So I say give me the real thing since its identical to what i just did. He comes up and holds out 6 pieces of paper saying "choose your test". Son of a bitch. So I just happen to choose the 3rd drill..and the look on his face was just like...."shit". So anyway I do the test..I almost fuck up on one of them but end up making it right..but it took me a little longer to do it so it was 3:54. 15 drinks in under 4 mins...that isnt bad at all considering you have 20 secs for a drink if you did it in 5 mins. I thought it was neat started as 5 mins for me..then some guy did it in 4:30...i was like ill beat that then. then the guy that grad with me today did his test before me and did it in 4:06. I'm like well..ok ill beat that. so i do it and beat him. I think thats the first time i set out to beat someone else and it just happend so easily. So i left bartending school today with 60 hours of total class time...though i think the actual time is 52 or something.. 4 hrs for 14 days...or 15 days...something..but he counted the times i came in early and left real late. I have a 94 total class average...did the speed test in 3:54 mins...and finished 2 or 3 (program itself is 14 days but the licencing class is another day) days early since i came in and stayed real late a few times.
The problem now is finding room on my resume to fit "Professional Bartender". I may need to start a second page.
Im tired as hell.