What's the story, Australia?

Feb 05, 2014 14:43

NZ items off Australian shelves

New Zealand food exporters have accused Australian supermarkets of taking New Zealand products off their shelves in an effort to appear more patriotic.

They claim the move goes against the spirit of trade agreements between the two countries.

According to NZ's Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade, New Zealand and Australia have the most comprehensive bilateral free-trade agreement in the world.

But NZ Food and Grocery Council chief executive Katherine Rich said that is not stopping Coles and Woolworths from stripping New Zealand food from their supermarket shelves as part of a Buy Australia campaign.

She said exporters were scared to talk about the problem publicly in case they were blacklisted by the supermarkets.

Labour's economic development spokesperson Shane Jones said several exporters had raised the problem with him.

Prime Minister John Key said he would put the issue on the table when he meets Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott on Friday.

Neither Coles nor Woolworths were immediately available to give a response.

(Courtesy Radio New Zealand news website)
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