Been a while

Jul 23, 2009 08:59

Mostly on facebook these days,but still need to write once in a while.

Still in shock of losing a chorus member last week - hard to believe it happened, and we've had the memorial service. Now we have to pick up and move on. I am not doing this easily, as he was such an incredible guy. Always greeted me with "Hey Gorgeous!" ( who wouldn't miss that?) and was so dedicated to the chorus. Wonderful role model, that is a definite.  Only 47.

He had a heart defect, according to the medical examiner, that never exhibited a symptom. From what I've been told, looks like he was getting ready for bed. Found on the floor next to the bed when he didn't show for work and his office found his truck at home but no answer at the door. Police broke in and that is the end of the story of the physical body.

But Mark's story is far from over. He touched many lives over that short lifetime, maybe more than he ever knew. I know his example made me want to be a better person, even moreso now that he has crossed over to the other side. I think that is the hardest part - so many things we would all like to say, but didn't get the chance for whatever reason.

RIP Mark- if I can be loved 1/10th as much, I will be a lucky man indeed.
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