I claimed a prompt at ohsam

Nov 12, 2010 17:35

Because I couldn't help myself. There's more than a few good ones over there - I'm liking these two in particular, but you can only go for one prompt (until later on)  - but don't they look good (in a terrible way)?

98- Gen or Sam/Dean. Pre-series. John with Munchausen by Proxy. Or perhaps an AU where Mary lives and John dies, and Mary suffers the condition. Sam is around six when the abuse begins. As he grows older, the psychological damage begins to take it's toll on Sam (If the child lives to be old enough to comprehend what's happening, the psychological damage can be significant. The child may come to feel that he or she will only be loved when ill and may, therefore, help the parent try to deceive doctors, using self-abuse to avoid being abandoned).

Dean's point-of-view would be great, as he becomes suspicious and then discovers what's been going on, or alternating points-of-view - but I'm not picky. However the writer chooses to do this is fine. Prompt is here.

99- Gen or Sam/Dean - pre-series or set when John appears on the show in season one. John suffers from Capgras Delusions, where he thinks that Sam has been replaced by an identical-looking impostor. Because this is the land of supernatural creatures, maybe he thinks Sam's possessed, or a shape shifter or doppelganger. Dean's not sure what to believe - on one hand, he knows Sam, and Sam hasn't done anything out of the ordinary. On the other hand, John knows more than Dean. . . right? Prompt is here.


anyway, I'm hoping to claim this one (I asked for it) - slash. Highlight to see: Sam can't feel anything, but he'll still do anything for his brother. And all Dean wants is to make Sam feel, even if it's pain. Messed-upedness. Rough sex and Dean-hurting-Samness.A scene with an emotional (crying?) Dean running his hands through an exhausted, fucked-out Sam's hair while he's on top of him and screaming at Sam to feel something would be great. Sam loves his brother and wants to feel something and make Dean feel better, but he just can't.

spn fanfiction

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