Yeah, I bet you are:) I pulled it out and dusted it off - from 2001, baby. It was so, you know, first time fan fic committed-ish. Maybe it had ... something. I think. Maybe.
Oh, excuse the ... because that first fan fic had a lot of the ... and now I'm using .... I cannot control myself.
Anyway. I picked at it some, stuff I couldn't bear, you know? Some of it ... holy God, I cannot speak. It's Charmed, and I was so INNOCENT before all the S&H people started me down the bad black road that lead to the crazy Winchester fans with no LIMITS or BOUNDARIES whatev, shocking fuckers that you are. So have some sweet Charmed fiction. It's a Halloween thing and it ended up being three parts. If anybody likes it I'll put up more of it. If not, I'll just go back to reading DIRTY FAN FICTION. I cannot lose. *nods*
description: The first Halloween after Prue's death, Paige finds herself in danger at a Halloween party (mild het)