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Re: Blood and Destiny. kassidy62 September 28 2008, 15:11:49 UTC
Wow, I remember SHarecon 2006 - I've been to two cons and that was one of them. The LWLF zine Flamingo sold for me at an earlier con, but I toted those Blood and Destiny zines with me and my friend Cass in the van to SHarecon. Those suckers were heavy. If I had an extra copy of B&D I'd just send it on to you, but they sold out and I didn't keep any extra. I think I probably should have kept a few back so I could send them out to friends, but I didn't - I made another small order with the printer and those sold, too. I could try and get one printed later on if you want me to try. I know the printer keeps the order on file for a few years.

I don't really plan to put it out on the internet, though - it was and is a very special project to me that I prefer to be read in the way it was intended to be read. Sounds silly, maybe, but there you are. I don't have any plans to put out another one, unfortunately, although I did love doing it. Truly was something I loved and was deeply invested in doing right.

Thanks for telling me you liked Draw the Line. I really think it's my favorite fan fiction I've written. Pepper helped me do some research, which helped immensely, and I loved writing it. I really "felt" the boys.

SPN was a hard sell for me, for some reason. I'd seen an episode before - I like Callum Keith Rennie and I watched his episode, but I didn't like it. Turns out I STILL don't like his episode much. I love supernatural stuff and psychological horror, stuff like that, so I kept thinking that show must have something I'm missing. Finally caved and bought the first season. It was decent but I still wasn't REALLY hooked. Still I bought the 2nd season, and that's where I started getting into it. I really like the characterizations best in first season, but I like the intensity of the episodes later on.


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