
May 29, 2013 18:05

My Beneath the Neon Moon sequel (kind of, sort of, starring Jared and Jensen, in that they've inspired the look and in some ways maybe the character of my made-up peoples) is starting to click along, thank God. Everything that's going on around here at home can really put the brakes on my writing, but school is out, Rachel is going to a three week sort of internship at the community college and my youngest is pretty quiet and lets me have some uninterrupted writing time ... it's working out. Hope the momentum keeps up.

Just basically, I am not able to sustain enthusiasm and cohesion for a writing project without uninterrupted time. In between Mom's health, mine, the kids school, sports, all the other usual household stuff and duties, I wasn't getting it. Now I am. AND IT IS FUN WORK. Plus I'm learning a new sort of writing to me, more of a novel-type narrative rather than something shorter that feels like it should always be POPPING or something. I can only hope I'm succeeding with it.

Anyway, I'm at 28,000 words now. I was estimating it at 50,000 total but I'm miserable at estimating, usually seriously underestimating. I wouldn't be surprised if it were quite a bit longer.

Did I ever tell you about the time I wanted to sub to an anthology that required a 10,000 word story? The first one I wrote for it was Beneath the Neon Moon. I think at the time it was about 15,000-18,000 words long (it ended up around 25,000 I think). So, no good. The 2nd attempt was, I'm guessing, around 20,000? By the time I fleshed it out AND tightened it it was around 36,000 or 37,000 words (The Vampire's Boy). And the 3rd was 30,000, ha ha ha, and the rough draft of it is STILL sitting on the hard drive from three years ago. The FAIL, IT BURNS. Oh, well. I'm happy anyway.

When you've been blocked, frustrated, out of inspiration or energy for so long, being able to say, hey, I've got 28,000 words on a project? It's so, so wonderful.

But hey, give me SPN inspiration and I can pack a lot into 1,000 words, I think. No really!

perils_of_an_ordinary_life, what the fuck, writing

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