,,2100597,00.html This has got to be the STUPIDEST thing I've heard yet, concerning T.W.A.T (the war against terror)
"The US military has embarked on a new and risky strategy in Iraq by arming Sunni insurgents in the hope that they will tackle al-Qaida operatives in Iraq."
Seriously. "There's too much violence. I know.. lets give them more weapons!"
"The Pentagon insisted today that the latest strategy was not recognition that president George Bush's "surge" policy had failed. All of the extra 30,000 US troops ordered by Mr Bush in January to Baghdad and Anbar province, one of the centres of the violence, had only been fully deployed and it was too early to judge it."
Hmm, well if increasing troop levels when everyone who actually knows anything said we should decrease them didn't work, maybe increasing the amount of firearms will reduce violence! Next, we'll start graffiti-ing buildings with pictures of Jesus pooping on Muhammad to reduce religious unrest!
Ok, now lets think about this. The big problem is that the Sunnis and Shias are trying to kill each other off. We want peace. So the solution is to arm one side? If Iran wasn't annoyed before, we just officially sided with their enemies. And wait a minute... wait a minute... didn't we accuse IRAN of arming militants? Wasn't there a big-to-do about Iran arming Shia militants against Sunnis, inflaming this conflict?