[health] Progress in many ways

Jul 24, 2012 08:11

brickhousewench came to visit this weekend and helped me go through Barney's book collection. We didn't exactly get it catalogued (there must be over 2000 books there, just hardcovers without ISBNs, not to mention the paperbacks and ISBN-holding books in the shipping materials that I will be putting up on Amazon). But we broke down a van's worth of cardboard boxes and got a good sense of what I have. What's more, you can now walk in the guest bedroom. You can even get to the door to my office from there which is something that was not possible for the past two years.

It was hot it that room where the AC vent was blocked by stacks of books and there is no ceiling fan. So we didn't get everything we set out to do done. But we got so much done that I am excessively pleased. I really cannot thank her enough.

Anyway, we found four more boxes from Barnes and Noble circa mid-90s that were never opened. So if you've been checking my Amazon store for titles, have another look this week.

In other book news, one of my Bibles sold on ABE Books. YAY! It's actually not really a Bible. It's "The Workes of the Most High and Mightie Prince, James I, Defender of the Faith &c." (dated 1616). It's basically King James commentary on the scriptures before he decided on the content for the King James Version of the Bible. So it's pretty significant. And it's in its original binding with James' arms on the leather cover. It's going to a buying in the UK so I feel like it's "going home". So that's a happy feeling.

Wow, this is disjointed. I'm afraid I'm feeling very disjointed...

Healthwise, I weighed myself this morning, and I haven't lost any weight. HOWEVER, the jeans I was wearing all weekend were so annoyingly loose I had to change them. So I put on jeans with a smaller waist and they are still a bit loose. So maybe the scale isn't seeing it, but I'm feeling it!

I am still waking up "sad". But it's stressful right now. With the move kinda in limbo until after Pennsic, and Pennsic prep going on, there's just so much to do! But next week, my hallway is going to be the clearest it's been in YEARS! And it's going to stay that way.

Well, I have new pattern work to do. Hopefully I'll have cover art to show you later today.

stx, mood, diet, health

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