First up! Snowy image of the second level.
Why? I added that little living area, which was open space before.
While high ceilings are awesome, this legacy needs MOAR space!!!
It's important, okay?
I'll move on now...
Zev: GASP! Watch out Bridget! THE CLAW IS COMING!!!
Bridget: O.O nooooo
Zev: ..coming to TICKLE YOU!
Bridget: ahahahaha ya got me there dad.
Zev: I shall protect you from all evil.
Zevran, stop it. I'm going to cry.
(not really, that would be weird)
You will take your spam, and you will like it! :D
I just couldn't resist. The faces she made were priceless.
Branton continues to hone his writing skills.
He has one published book under his belt already!
Branton: Man, this stinks.
The book or the rotting omelettes?
Gabby explains to Zev that she is pregnant, yet again.
I would not expect any other reaction out of him.
Zev: Good job, hon. Way to be fertile.
Bridget: Hey, uh...can someone get me out of here please?
Keety's new favourite napping spot is the same chair Reginald started with all those simyears ago.
On a less depressing note, SNOW DAY!
I love that his PJs match his bedspread. <3
The palm trees make it seem a bit wrong. /shrug
What do we do on a snow day?
Why, we put on our spacesuit and build a snowman!
Time for Keety to have a bath!
Keety: Listen SweaterCat, I know you have the hots for me, but it could never work between us.
Zev: Duuuuuude.
Branton: Awwwwesome.
A bit of father/son bonding.
Bridget: Y U DO DIS? Y U put me in here?
Bridget: Oh, it's really not so bad. :D
Bridget: ACTUALLY NO. Remove me from this prison. >:{
Sorry Bridget, the adults are too busy to care for you right now...
Zev: Nah nah nah nah nah you can't hit me!
You were saying?
Branton plays some "insert popular first person shooter."
Branton: HAHA NOOB.
Branton: My mother is a decent lady, she would never...
Poor Branton.
It's Gift Giving Day!
A completely nonreligious celebration of capitalism!
Kadain: So I was like, you only got the lead role because I didn't want it!
Gabby: Uh huh.
*insert inappropriate joke about facials here*
Kaidan: Wait...Gabby knows about the Retirement Yeti? Wow, she is really HIP.
Hip by your standards, Kaidan?
Who uses the word hip anymore anyway?
Me, I guess. :(
Garrus: Booooo Edi.
I'm not sure what she ever did to deserve this. :((((
Pretty awesome present, if you ask me.
Zev: OOOoooo a pretty mermaid statue! /claps
Zev: Actually, screw mermaids! I am a manly man! BOO MERMAIDS!
uh huh.
LOL who got Myrtie the toilet paper?
Life could not possibly get any better for these two old fogies.
Gabby, on the other hand, has problems.
Shouldn't you go inside, at least?
Gabby: The cold numbs the pain.
Everyone welcome the final gen three child!
Brinley Crawley
Light Sleeper
Gabby: Can I keep him?
I sure hope so...
Branton: Mr. Bee...TAKE US TO THE MOON!
Branton: MR. BEE!!! AWAY!!!
Jam thinks she's just so cute.
'cause she is.
Reg: Lemme just pinch those chubby little cheeks!
Branton: OMG Grandpa! Stop it!
Reg: Oh c'mon, just a little pinch? Humor an old man.
Branton: NO.
Reg: Sorry little cutie wooty, I can't resist.
Branton: I. hate. you.
Branton: Hey Jam, look over there, it's a giant pile of hot dogs!
Bridget learns to walk the old fashioned way, since her feelings about the walker are so damn conflicted.
Zev: I'm so glad it's not another girl.
HEY! I wish all three had been girls! (I really want a female heir. ahem.)
Those floppy ears kill me every time.
So...Gabby and Myrtie are actually having a normal conversation?
Is this real life?
WHOOPS! I completely forgot to have a birthday party for Zev!
It's not like he is the heir or anything...ahaha -.-
You had perfectly good hair! Why did it have to go and change!
Silly game.
Sorry about the lame commentary this time!
I hope it was enjoyable anyway. :) Thanks for reading!